Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Louis' p.o.v.

The date was awful. Yes I guess it went well I mean I could see fans surrounding us and she looked like she was having a good time. Her name is Eleanor. All I could think of was Harry the whole time though. When he called me back I was holding back the tears because I knew he would be over here in seconds. I don't know why he hung up on me though.

Harry's p.o.v.

I put a long sleeve shirt on so no one would notice, but chances are someone was bound to notice so what was the point. My chest was exposed and I saw the silver paper plane. I played with it in between my fingers. More thoughts ran through my mind about Louis. Was he going to be okay? And what is going to happen? Is he going to change?

I swear I was acting like a chicken without a head.

Was I going insane?

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen I made myself some pancakes. I felt alone even when I was surrounded by people.

I put my plate into the dish washer.

I called Niall again see if he would come over.

When he got here he the first thing that came out if his mouth was

"Why are you avoiding Louis?"

I fell to the floor and started to cry.

Niall's p.o.v. 

I brought him to his bed. When I got him under the covers I just assumed the red stain was nothing, but my eyes went wide after I realized what was going on. I calmly asked Harry to take off his shirt. He did. I looked at his forearms they were all sliced. I asked him what gave him the idea to pursue this.

"I guess I had a few too many drinks after you left." He replies weakly.

"I should have stayed with you. I knew something was off" I mumble to myself.

"There was nothing you could do to stop me even if you were there" he says.

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