"You're welcome" she laughed sarcastically. She turned and faced me; just staring into my eyes.

"What? There some-" she closed the space between us with such a romantic kiss. I wrapped my arms around her as she wrapped hers around my neck. I could have stayed like this forever. Her soft, plump, candy coated lips only made me want more.

~Nicole P.O.V.~

I was stuck in study skills. This was the one class where I didn't know anybody in and it was such a waste of time of a class.

I wanted to go home to AJ and chill with him.

You know what. Fuck this class.

I stood up, slipped my bag over my shoulder and just flat out, walked out of the classroom.

*Phone Convo*
AJ: aye baby, what's up?
Me: Are you home right now?
AJ: Nah, I'm out with the guys, I'll call you when I get home
Me: alright, be careful
AJ: I will, love ya
*End Of Phone Convo*

I settled with walking back to my Dad's.

~10 Minutes Later~

"Dad! I'm home!" I yelled as I set my bag on the couch

"Why are you home? It's only 10:25" he looked at me with a glare

"I was irritated and came home" I shrugged my shoulders

"Wow, that sounded exactly like me when I was in school. Talk about Throwback Thursday right there" he laughed

"Well it's true! So what have you done while I was gone?" I asked

"Nothin, nothin at all" he laughed as he walked up stairs

"Sure doesn't sound like nothing, tell me!" I followed him up the stairs

"It's nothin, go on" he laughed

"Oh come on! Please tell me!" Finally Dad was exciting and he doesn't want to spill the beans?

"It's nothing Nicole, go play outside or something" He shut his door, but I simply opened it

"You're finally exciting! Just tell me!"

"Alright, alright!" He sat on the edge of his bed "I went out and hooked up with a chick I used to go to elementary school with" he laughed

"Like a one night stand or possible relationship?"

"One night stand" I rolled my eyes

"Wow, well that ain't anything special, I thought something interesting happened" I shook my head and wandered off to my room.

~Chanelle P.O.V.~

We pulled up to the house and I was so happy to be home. I couldn't wait to take a nice hot bath then crawl into bed and sleep for like the next 3 days.

"You go on ahead inside, I got her" Lexis said as he walked over to my side and opened my door. I nodded my head and walked inside.

I set my stuff down on the entry table and jogged upstairs into our bathroom.

I started to run the bath and stripped out of my clothes. I looked in the mirror and was sad I didn't have that huge baby belly. I still had some chub but it wasn't the same. "My stomach handled 4 kids, that's crazy" I sighed to myself.

I slipped into the tub and let the warm water coat me. I closed my eyes and sunk a little lower in the tub.

After a good half hour or so in the tub, I finally got out and wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel.

A Thug's True Love [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now