Nora didn't hesitate to click on the decline button and quickly typing into the chat.


not gonna join rn, wait a lil


You don't have to turn on your mic if that's what youre worrying about


no that's not it
i will join soon

An orange icon blinked in the corner of the Skype program and Nora clicked on it.


Is everything ok?

Nora's fingers hesitated over the keyboard. A part of her wanted to tell Diesel a little bit of what was wrong but at the same time a big part of her didn't. Wouldn't she seem like she was looking for attention? Maybe he would even tell her that her problems weren't that bad. She didn't know him that well.


just want to listen to some music rn


What kind of music do you listen to?


there really isnt a genre
i just listen to whatever catches my interest
im open to everything really


Well, have you heard about $UICIDEBOY$?
Not many people like that type of music
But since you are open to everything you should give them a listen

Immediately a few youtube links were sent and Nora quickly unplugged her earphones from her phone and put them into her computer.

Nora clicked on the first link and the music immediately started playing.


If you have a face like you are going to shit then you know it's good

Nora's head started bobbing up and down slightly to the music and she smiled.


i really like it so far
i feel like ive been searching for this type of music for years haha where has it been my whole life?


I feel like I've just accomplished something big
Ya know if you like them then I have many more artists with music similar to them. I can make a playlist for you?


yes!!!! please!!!
btw what's going on in the chat?


Devon is trying to persuade me in turning on the mic.
Eliza and the brother's have theirs on so Devon doesn't want to turn his on without me
I don't want to turn mine on without you

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