He's Back

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Nasia: Well we at skool so get da fuck out my car

Love: Bitch u play to much

Jay: Rt I will stay in dis car all day I will sleep in dis bitch play wit me

Nasia: Well ok den jus get out

They walked in da skool and Love & Jay ran up to der bae's all I could do was look

???: Heyy Nasia 

Nasia: OMG I aint seen you in sooo long 

???: Yea it's me 

Nasia: CCHHRRIIISSS (ran and gave him a hug)

Jay: Omg Love look who Nasia huggin

Love: Is that (gco)

Jay: Yup it's Chris

Jay &Love: Heyy Chris

Chris: Heyy 

Love: Man we missed you and you know Nasia missed you 

Chris: (Chuckled)

Nasia: Man I'ma start puttin yall business in da streets

Jay: It"s ight it aint like he don't know

Nasia: Shut up man yall get on my nerves

Love & Jay: We love you too

Chris: Nasia can I talk to you

Nasia:Ye (gco)

Jay &Love: Wat you wanna talk about why we can't hear

Nasia: I think yall ba's want yall 

Love: Dang ok we will leave den if it's like dat

Nasia & Chris: Thx

Nasia: Come on

Chris: Ok well I wanna let you know when I left I never stop thinking about alot of girls asked me out I jus said naw cuss I'm still in love wit you 

Nasia: I mean it was da same for me I'm gonna lie I tried to stop thinking of you but it never worked

Chris: So do u wanna get back together 

Nasia: Ummm Yea 

Chris: It's feels like a dream I thought we were never gonna get back together 

Nasia: i did too

They hugged again

Nasia: Imissed you soo much

Chris: You know I love you rt

Nasia: Yea I love you to

They walked back to Jay & Love

Jay: We wanna know wat yall was talkin bout

Love: Yup we sure do 

Nasia: (sarted laughing)

Chris: Uuummm well I askeed her out and she said yea

Love & Jay: Bestfriieenndd

Chris POV 

We all went to class I sat by my bae I missed her soo much and it makes me feel good that she missed me to but I'm scared to tell her why i came back . We have a long past together we went out like at least 6 times but any ways in class the teacher was trippin cuss I fell asleep in class.

Skip to after skool

Chris: Can I walk u home ? ? ?

Nasia: Well naw

Chris: Why u don't trust

Nasia: Yea I trust but drove to skool I have car 

Chris: Aw shit bae gotta car now 

Nasia: Love and Jay r u comin wit me or naw 

Love: Naw bae wanna take me home 

Jay: Yea and I'm going over my bae house 

 Nasia: Well ok jus hit me up wen yall ready but if yall aint ready on time i will leave yall no joke ight

Jay&Love: Dang ok 

Chris: Bae ?

Nasia: Yea 

Chris: I'm comin wit you ight

Nasia: Ight get in 

She drives off 

Nasia: Bae why you come back dont say it was because of me plz dont 

Chris: I aint gonna say dat I'ma jus tell you da truth it was because my mama killed sum body and I had come back here and live wit my dad

Nasia: Aw well I'm sorry where u goin

Chris: Over your house 

Nasia: Ok but at 9:00 I'm going to a Beyonce concert wit Jay and Love 

Chris: Aww dats wat yall was talkin bout at skool

Nasia: Yup

At her house

Chris: Man yo mama been livin it up 

Nasia: Well ig but I don't neva see her 

Chris: why 

Nasia: She always out of town for her job and wen she is home she wit ha boyfriend but I aint trippin

Chris: Aw she don't know wat she missin out on

Nasia: started blushin thx bae

Chris: Any thing for you 

That's the end of that chapter tell me wat you think about it

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