40. Heart vs. Brain

Start from the beginning

The crown was heavy on his head but he didn't mind it. He loved it. It resembled all the power he held and he always basked in the glow. Now, King Gavin was just annoyed by it.

"What do you want?" he asked, sighing with irritation. The hardness of the throne was beginning to make him uncomfortable. "Get to the point, peasant. I have others waiting."

The man before him bowed again, nervously. His hands kept wringing themselves together. "I ask for assistance guarding the fields, Your Majesty. Lord Femil is not listening to our pleas."

"If the lord isn't listening to you, why should I?"

The man looked shocked at the question. Word of the king's harshness had spread all the way to Dement. "B-because, Your Majesty. You are the king."

King Gavin rolled his head around, stretching the kinks from his neck. After a while of just staring at the man, reducing him to shakes, he flipped his hand. "You're granted three guards. Make due with that."

"But, Your Majesty –!"

"Leave my presence. I've grown bored of you." As soon as that was said, the king's guards grabbed the man by both hands. They hauled him out like he was a sack of grains. King Gavin watched the exit then groaned silently. He turned to Garkun, who stood from his post beside the throne. "Tell the others to leave. I will not be taking anymore complaints."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Garkun only nodded at a nearby guard who ran off to inform the town crier.

"This is the worst thing about being king," King Gavin sighed. He rose, took the heavy crown off his head. It was gold, tiny spires decorating the very top, and tiny rubies decorating the bottom. He placed it on the crown pillow, before a servant scurried off with it. He only ever wore it when he was receiving complaints or accepting a lord into his castle. He had many of both lately. "I can't stand listening to those peasants and their infernal complaining. They should be happy their even alive."

Garkun didn't answer, never answered. He walked silently behind the man who made him rich, without uttering a word against him. The king continued to rant, pacing the halls of the throne room. Garkun paced behind him for a while before he just stopped and watch the mad king go even crazier.

A guard ran up to him. He leaned closer, listening to the whisper in his ear. "Your Majesty," he called when the guard ran off.

"What?" King Gavin snapped.

Garkun didn't flinch. "It seems ya have a visitor."

"Didn't you hear me the first time? I don't want to see anyone!"

"It's Lady Mynera, Your Majesty."

King Gavin froze. He looked at Garkun, to judge the truth in his words, but Garkun's gruff features gave nothing away. "What did you just say?"

"Lady Mynera 'as arrived at the castle, Your Majesty. Should I 'ave her brought to the throne room?"

"Of course!" Giddy, he grinned. "Now! Right this instant. Bring me my crown!"

The servant was quick to appear with the crown pillow in hand. King Gavin's smile stretched even wider as he picked up the crown and placed it on his head. Garkun motioned to a guard who ran off to did as he was told.

She's finally here, King Gavin thought, as he watched the doors open slowly. She's finally mine.

She was more beautiful than he remembered. Her presence was luminous, her eyes so beautiful he felt he could drown in them from the distance. King Gavin watched her approach, ignoring the guard standing behind her in shackles. Her pale blue dress dragged across the ground behind her as she walked, her back rim rod straight. Her hair was elegantly styled, some pinned behind her hair, the rest of it let loose. When she was before the throne, she curtsied, low and long.

King Gavin's smirk stretched even wider. "Lady Mynera. You don't know how much I've long for this day."

Mynera looked up at him, her face vacant. "Your Majesty," she said in greeting.

King Gavin couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He sprang out of his chair, ran to stand before her. "You are more beautiful than I remembered."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is an honour to be here." She curtsied again, not because she had to but because she didn't want to look at his face.

"Tell me, my lady. What brings you to the castle? I've been searching for you for months and you managed to dodge me time and time again."

"That is just it, Your Majesty." Her voice was soothing to his ears. He couldn't stop smiling. "I've grown weary of running. As a lady, I do not belong on my own, but in a castle, where servants are there to tend to me."

"Fear not, my fair lady. You will have hundreds of servants to tend to your every need."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

King Gavin couldn't bear it any longer. He had to touch her. He reached out and grabbed her hand. He missed the fury that leapt into her eyes. "Come, my lady. I have already picked out your bedchambers for you. You must be tired. You can rest up before we sup."

"Just a moment, Your Majesty." She tugged on her hand, skillfully slipping it out of his grasp. "I would like to ask a favour."

"Yes, whatever it may be. Yes."

"You have not heard the favour as yet, Your Majesty."

"I don't care, what is it?"

"I ask that you grant this man a room in your home and position as my personal guard."

Finally, King Gavin acknowledged Barron. His eyes ran over the man in the tattered red armor in distaste. "Is this not the man who committed treason?" he asked Garkun.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"'Tis a misunderstanding, Your Majesty," Mynera interjected quickly. "He has been on my tail since I escaped him and he has treated me well on the travel back to the castle. I would feel much more comfortable if he were my personal guard. Please, Your Majesty."

"Whatever you want, my lady." He smiled again, all of Barron's grievances forgotten. "Unchain the man!" he commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty." A guard came up to take the shackles off Barron's hands and feet.

King Gavin held his arm out to Mynera. "Come, my lady. Let me escort you to your chambers."

Mynera stared at it, resisting the urge to throw him over her shoulder. She slipped her arm through his and allowed him to lead the way.

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now