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" NO!!!" said Gray as he broke his alarm clock

Gray mumbled something to himself and turned back around in bed to go back to sleep

His mom came in happily

" GRAY!!!!YOUR STILL HERE!!!!" yelled Gray's mother

" yeah....why" mumbled Gray

Gray's mother took the blankets off his bed

" GET UP!!!" she yelled

" meh.....the cold never bothered me anyways " mumbled Gray

" YOU HAD TO BE AT YOUR JOB 20  MINUTES AGO!!!!" yelled Gray's mom

Gray widened his eyes

he sprung out of bed and quickly got some clothes on

Gray grabbed his camera and ran out the door

he tried to open the car door but it was locked

" DAMIT I forgot my keys!!" said Gray to himself

" looking for these" said lyon out the window. Holding up his keys

" give them right now!!!!" said Gray

" what's the magic word ?" asked lyon

" Can I please have my keys?" asked Gray

" fine..." said Lyon

Lyon threw Gray's Key out the window

luckily Gray caught his Keys

he quickly got in his car and drove away

5 Minutes Later

" Sir you know how fast you where going ?" said the police man

" I uhhh yes sir " said Gray nervously

The police man gave Gray a ticket for 200 dollars and he drove away

Gray sighed " there goes my first pay check " he said to himself

At Work

Gray ran in and looked at the clock he was a hour late on his first day

Gray walked up to the front desk....." um I'm Gray Fullbuster here for my first day" said Gray

The front desk lady looked at her computer " You a HOUR late " she said in a strict tone

" sorry ma'am it wont happen again " said Gray

"fine....go to the couple wear.....and take pictures " said the lady

" yes ma'am" said Gray

Gray started to walk down the hallway.

Gray sighed I have my dream job a photographer for Green Hill's Magazine

I opened the door

my jaw dropped and I dropped my camera

No this cant be happening

it just cant be

NO I must be still sleeping

this must be a nightmare......

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