Part 2

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As Adrien got home and into his room he put his bag down on his computer desk and opened it looking for Plagg

"Plagg you've been oddly quit the whole way home is something up?"he asked his bag.

Tiki had been silent the entire way to Adrien's house because she didn't want to raise a panic in public. But she knew now was the time to tell Adrien of her presence.

She very shyly came out of the bag and Adrien just kinda gave her a weird look.

"Your not Plagg" he said stating the obvious

"No I'm not. My name is Tiki and we have a bit of a problem" she said
Plaggs approach wasn't as sudden as Tikis. Manly because he had fallen asleep in Marionettes bag when Tiki left and was now  awake and hungry.

He flew out of the bag not even bothering to check his surroundings and he went crashing into a wall.

"What the- Hey!" He cried "who put that there?" This was the first time he looked around and saw that he wasn't in Adrien's room. This room was bright pink with pictures of Adrien plastered all over the walls and well.... It wasn't Adrien's house.

"Tiki I don't know what's wrong" came a voice from below "but I brought you some Cookies, maybe that will make you feel better" a door in the flooring opened and out came Marionette.

Instantly she saw Plagg and she screamed dropping the plate of cookies.

"There's no need to freak out" Plagg said trying to calm her down.

She was about to start screaming 'cat bug' and throwing things at him when she realized she had been in this situation before.

"Are you a Kwami?" She asked

"Yes I'm the Kwami of CatNoir and I need to get back to him now. But first do you have any camembert?"
"How are we going to get you back to LadyBug without you telling me her identity? I know my lady doesn't want me to know but it might be the only way."Adrien thought aloud.

"Adrien you have to trust LadyBugs wishes. I know you want to know who she is but I cannot tell you. The time is not right. One day you two will know each other's identities but for now Plagg and I can't tell you" Tiki said

"Wait Plagg knew who LadyBug was this entire time but he didn't tell me?" Adrien asked

"Yes, just like I knew your CatNoir"

Adrien looked like he was trying to take it all in. "What happens if someone is Akumatized before I get Plagg back? Can I transform with you instead?" He asked

"No, you can't. I give the power of creation, your ring hold the power of destruction. If we combine the two I don't know what would happen"

The tv-which had been playing softly in the background-alerted the two when she announced something about Ladybug and ChatNoir. On the screen was a live video of Volpina at the school. She was standing on the top of the building and by the looks of it there were people being trapped inside.

"We might have to test it out anyways." Adrien said aloud "besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

"I'm not sure about this Adrien" Tiki said shyly

"Tiki we don't have any other choice" Adrien said "what does Ladybug usually say to transform? Because I don't think saying 'claws out' will work with a ladybug"

Tiki signed knowing they had no other option. They needed to save Paris.... Again

"Say 'spots on'." She told him

"Tiki, spots on!" He cried

It worked and he ended up transforming...

But it didn't go as expected

I'm enjoying writing this. It's more fun the I expected.

Tell me what you think in the comments. I wanna know if my fanfic is crappy or not.




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