One girl, many boys

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Contains sexual violence

"There you go, all done." You finish tying the last knot in the bandage.

"Thanks y/n." Says Winston as he leaves.

You've spent the whole morning patching up wounded slicers, well not quite wounded more just careless with the knives.

You look out the window, the sun lies just above the maze walls. You start to pack up your stuff, it's been another boring day working as a medjack. You put your bag in the cupboard when someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." You say.

Olly, one of the gladers, pops his head round the door, "y/n come quick Newt is hurt," he pants heavily.

You grab your bag, swinging it over your shoulder as you rush out of the homestead.
You follow Olly, your mind running wild with thoughts, all that scared you, what's wrong with newt?
You both walk fast, you want to run to get to your best-friend and secret crush as soon as possible.
He leads you past other gladers, none of them look too fussed.

"Olly, where is he?"

"This way," he points towards the slammer.

"What's wrong with him?"

"It's his ankle."

Confused but desperate to help Newt you follow him. He takes you behind the slammer, there isn't a single person around, not even any footsteps or flattened grass. Really confused and an increasing fear forces you turn to Olly. He has an evil grin on his face and his eyes dance wild in their sockets, his right hand fingers click quietly while in his other hand he holds a large slab of wood.

"Olly, what's going on?" You try to hold back the sound of fear but fail miserably.

"Oh you'll find out." He says as he quickly covers the distance between you. He raises the wood up high as he advances on you.

You panic, sprinting away towards the glade, Olly follows in pursuit the distance between his feet and yours getting smaller with every scared breath. You glimpse the wood out of the corner of your eye when you feel a sudden acute pain in the back of your head, you gasp for air and fall on the ground, your vision is obscured by black spots. The last thing you see is Olly's dark eyes staring into yours.


Your head throbs.
Your whole body throbs.
You let out a groan, your head hurts a lot and you can't remember why. Your vision is blurred, all you can see is a smudged green with no changes in tone. You feel something hot on your head, your hand instantly goes to touch the tender skin but is stopped, something stops your hand from moving!
You blink and your vision gradually comes back, you can see the green grass and the cold stone walls of the maze. Wrapped around your wrists is a thick rope, tying your hand to a chair. Scared you slowly look to see the rest of your body, you gasp but a thick tape placed firmly across your mouth chokes you. What you see makes every nerve in your body run mad with fear, isn't the rope pinning you to the chair, what scares you is what you wear. Your clothes are missing, your strapped to a chair in just your underwear and bra. Not sure if it's the cold wind or the fear that makes your body shake uncontrollably.
A shadow casts over you, you gulp as you look up revealing everything you hoped not to be there. Olly stands smirking down on you, his face covered in a blind desire.

"Your so typical y/n," he sits on your lap, the seat edge digging into the back of your bare knees. He inspects his fingers, "the whole Newt is in pain, pft, easy and you fell for it without a single question."

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