Part Fourteen

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We met up on the beach, the place we’d first hung out together. It was very early in the morning on Moving Day and the wind had a bite to it. The sky was a sleepy purple and the clouds, striking amber. Streaks of pale blue hung above the horizon and the sun was yet to show itself.

“Don’t cry.” He murmured. I saw him sat on the large rocks by the pier. “Don’t cry, don’t cry…” he was repeating to himself. The cuffs of his jeans were soaked by the crashing waves. I walked along the pier and down onto the bay. As soon as he noticed me, he went silent. I signed to him.

“It’s okay to cry, you know.” I didn’t realise I meant that much to him. I still didn’t know what he saw in me. He shook his head, looking down at his knees.

“Well, you know why I’m here.” I signed. He could barely look at me.


This was tearing me apart. Despite telling Casper that crying was okay, I couldn’t let him see me burst into tears. I knew that would make it twice as difficult for him.  He was trying so hard. I sat beside him. The wind played with his hair and the salt spray touched his cheeks. We sat there, just enjoying each other’s presence, for the final time. I don’t know how long we stayed there listening to the waves hit the rocks, watching the sun rise.

But before I knew it, Moira’s car rolled up in the car park. I stood up. Casper stood with me and took my hand.

“Isabella Rose Oakley,” he said, “I’ve had… the best days of my life with you. I want you to remember this.”

In his hands was a beautiful paper crane. It was yellow and decorated with beautiful flowers all around its wings. He gave it to me.

“It’s been a pleasure, Issy.”

If there was ever a time in my life, I thought, when the need to speak had been overwhelming, it would have been now. I wanted to laugh and cry and scream and shout and I would have told him everything. I would have told him that I loved him. I would have told him that I needed him. Told him what a massive difference he had made since the day he made that first paper crane. And most of all, I would have given anything, anything, to say-


Paper CranesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora