ghost tales

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                     Cronus POV.~
I ride down that street listening to some music, its kinda weird but I'm to lazy to move it.


I hate music now a days. I would rather live back in the 50s era when they had good ol' music.

I drive down the road a little ways before spotting where I work. Its a old brick building with ivy going up the sides of it. The lot was basicly gravel at this point and had weeds sticking up everywhere, a giant sign old sign, which looked like it was going to fall off at any time now, saying "BIG DICKS LUMBERMILL" not lying I don't think this was funny in he old days but it is now. I chuckle, finding everytime I see it I have to laugh.

I approach the building heading for the back of it. I see the old iron garage door with a small scanner next to it. I approach it driving in front of the garage door almost touching it. I get out of my car leaving the door open as I scan my id, it had a picture of me with basic info such as my birthday and a barcode. The usual countdown sets off.

"10..... 9.....8.....7......"

I hurry to my car jumping in and closing the door as it reaches one. 

The fake gravel drops down from underneath the car, as always my stomach drops as we hurdle down the the dark passageway. The metal smell as I drop becomes strong when all of a sudden I see a red line out of no where. I look at my steering wheel moving my hand to the top. sliding the top over revealing multiple buttons, I press a small violet button and sit back as a parachute pops out of the top part of the car. The car soon lands on a metal floor, the lights on the walls come on the minute the tires touch the ground. I step out, my steps being silent as the night. Closing the door I hear a sudden voice behind me making me jump.

" th0ught y0u c0uld sneak in here huh? Y0u understand we see y0u sign in Cr0nus."

I turn around smirking

"Porrim, babe. I vwas just...."

"Quit it cr0nus, y0u understand y0u are 0n time yet y0u still sneak. Y0u are s0 c0nfusing s0metimes."

"Vwell its just a habit by nowv if you'd excuse me, I got some papervwork I gotta get done." I turn around just as she clears her throat.

"Ab0ut that, I g0t meenah t0 d0 that. I have a assignment f0r y0u, if y0u w0uld f0ll0w me."

She turns around before hearing my answer, assuming I follow, which I do. The sound of her black acrilic heels tap on the floor, sounding like drum beats in the silent hallway. We soon arrive to a glass door reading " Porrim Maryum  " the letters spelled out in green cursive. She opens the door.

" C0me 0n in."

I walk in the smell of lilacs and oak hitting me like a brick to the face. Its a large office with a very homey feel, the walls were lined with bookcases and pictures with a small couch against the wall. She had two comfy looking chairs in front of her principal like desk. She walked infront of me and motioned me to sit down. I walked to one of the chairs and sat down sinking into it. She sits down as well and smiles showing slightly sharp teeth, she's always been a little mysterious and frankly vampire like. I have never seen her out of the office except at night and she has that kind of strange aura that just is.... Off.

" N0w cr0nus, h0w have y0u been bef0re we start. "

" oh you knowv, the usual. Nothin interestin realy."

I chuckle and she sighs. She, even though mysterious, has a motherly aura as well. She can be frightening one minute and kind the other.

" well then, let's get started shall we?"

I nod and she continues

" N0w cr0nus, as I said I have a assignment."

She stands up going to a file cabinet in the corner which I had not noticed before. She walks over her heels taping on the cherry oak floor as she sets it down in front of me on the desk. She sits down as I open the file seeing a description with no picture, very unusual...

" As y0u can read we have very little inf0rmati0n 0n this pers0n but the name they g0 by is gh0st. As they are here and g0ne in sec0nds. Y0ur assignment is t0 find them."

If I had water, I think I would have choked on it.

" Vwait let me get this straight. YOU vwant ME to find this ghost fella and take 'em here?"

"Well cr0nus we d0nt kn0w what gender they are actually..."

" vwell vwhat do ya knowv about them!?!"

" we kn0w that they have black hair, pale skin, and usually wears s0mething dark..." She blushes embarrassed. She usually has everything all planned.

I sigh in frustration and rub my eyes.

"I'll take the case, but howv am I supposed to find this guy?"

"Well, we as well kn0w they like t0 g0 t0 al0t 0f gentlemen's clubs."

" so..... Basicly you vwant me to be a male stripper in a club to see if they come or not..."

" Basicly, yes."

"Holy fucking shit...."

Also as whale look on my purrofile fur update info.
I like this so far and how I leave it (a.k.a. the cliffhangers muhhahahhahaha)
So yeah I hope ya liked it.
Also Cronus male stripper just yes.
Sea ya, I'll leave you with that.
Just yaaaaaaaas. Gonna make 1000.
~ Rosey🇮🇹

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