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I wake up to a barely audible voice. It seems to be coming from all directions and it freaks me out.
I strain to hear what the voice is saying.
Wake up, dumbass! Wake the hell up! Pancakes!!
"Ella. . . shut up. . ." I grumble and roll over.
. . . My stomach slams against the floor.
I groan and grab onto my dresser surface to help myself up. Well, I guess I put a little too much force into it because the heavy wooden dresser falls right on top of me.
Ah, the downs of being a freakin boss. After easily lifting the dresser and returning it to its place, I sulk down the hallway and into the kitchen. My stupid mind is still regreting ignoring Six. Should I ask Johnny for advice? HELL NO. He'd probably laugh at me. I gotta protect my reputation. Strong, hilarious, hot, and awesome.
Although of course I know what I truly am. . .
Everyone is in the kitchen. Johnny, Marina, Eight, Ella. . .
But no Six.
Dammit. Marina is cooking pancakes. That's good. She's an amazing cook. I can see why Eight fancies her.
"Hey guys," I say and plop down on the nearby sofa. But not before shooting Ella a dirty look for her rude wake-up call. The delicious smell of pancaked fills the air and I try to resist the urge to get some. Yeah, I'm hungry. But lots of shit has been on my mind. I gotta talk to someone about it. Let it out.
"Yo Nine," Johnny calls to me. "You want any pancakes?"
"Naw, not yet." I reply and shut my eyes. I'm waiting for Six. I can't ask the others where the hell she is or everyone will suspect I like her. And I don't. Number Nine isn't supposed to fall in love. Its just not meant to be. After twenty minutes or so, right when I'm about to nod off into sleep, a door slams so loud that my arms flail and I knock over a lamp.
Shit. . .
The bulb is shattered and there's glass all over the carpet. Nothing like a loud door slam to really put you on edge. Especially when you got a super hearing legacy. Eight immediately teleports to my side at the sound of the crash.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shout as I scramble to my feet, careful not to step on any shards of glass. Someone is mad. Really mad. Loud, angry footsteps come down the hall. It's Six, of course. Her hair is all wet and tangled and she obviously just woke up. It doesn't take long to realise that were in a bad situation. Her clothes are soaked. Completely soaked. She looks like she just when for a swim in a swamp. But she stills looks absolutely gorgeous.
Eight snickers and I try not to do the same. I know better. I stick with a grin.
"Jeez. . . someone's PM-" Eight starts but Six cuts him off.
Then the beast herself whirls on me.
"And YOU!!" Six jabs a finger into my chest, forcing me backwards as she strides forward. "YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY?! I'LL SHOW YOU FUNNY."
I should've seen it coming a mile away. Six's fist slams into the side of my face, knocking me sideways. I hold my ground though.
"What the hell! Dammit, Six! What'd I do?"
I hear Eight's muffled laughs and try not to scream at him. Of course, the rest of the Garde have gathered to watch the fight.
"You know what you did! Don't pretend to be all innocent, ya asshole!" Six shouts in my face. I dodge the next punch. And the next kick. But I don't hit her back. I wouldn't hit Six. I couldn't. No matter how tough she is.
Instead, I grab her wrists and firmly hold onto them until she stops struggling.
"Six, stop. I didn't do anything."
Six is silent for a moment. I guess something in my voice made her believe me. "Then who the fuck did?!" She shouts, turning to Eight. "Was it you?! I'm completly soaked to the skin!"
"We can see that, Six," Ella comments, giggling.
Six shoots Ella a glare, like don't get involved. Ella listens, thankfully. While all this entertainment plays out, Johnny is chilling on the sofa. Which is strange because he's usually the one to put a stop to fights like these. I guess he doesn't want to get in a fight with Six, and I don't blame him. NO ONE wants to mess with her when she's mad.
Six turns her attention back to laughing Eight. She shoves him and he goes sprawling, laughing all the way. Luckily, all this is happening away from my broken lamp mess.
"Bro," Johnny gestures at the glass. "Clean this up, man."
I huff and use my telekinesis to pick every individual shard. Then I send them flying into the trash can.
"Nicley done. . ." Ella mutters in awe.
"Who did this!?" Six questions once again, gesturing at her wet clothes. "I wake up and a bucket of water attached to a string on the ceiling drenches me!"
"Okay, okay, Six!" Eight shouts. He's got his hands in the air in surrender. "I did it! I'm sorry! And you don't have to tell me to watch my back. Already on it."
"Like Blue Bonnet," Johnny murmers with a smile. I roll my eyes.
"Well, watch your back!!" Six yells at Eight. Suddenly, a devilish grin appears on her face and she smirks. "You have no idea whats coming."
Eight laughs again and points a hand gun at her. "Well, you know what? You have no idea what I'm capable of!"
We all snicker at that and I notice poor Marina's shoulders slump. She's envious.
After everyone returns to the kitchen, I return to my nice and comfortable sofa. After a short nap, I'm awoken by Six. She shakes me by the shoulder and I wake up immediately. Its my instinct. I'm really not used to anyone touching me. I have my boundaries.
I rub my eyes and sit up quickly.
"What the hell do you want?" I ask drousily.
Six stands with her arms crossed, looking paranoid. "I. . ." She starts but then covers her face with her hand. "I am so sorry for accusing you of pranking me."
Woah. Six just apologized. To me. To Nine. "Oh, its fine. Personally, I enjoy getting yelled at."
Six laughs. She laughs a happy and joyful laugh. Her smile is bright and cheery. Not like the usual scowling Sixi shield my eyes with the back of my hand.
She stares at me blankly. "Uh, what're you doing?"
"Your smile is too bright." I say in an annoyed tone.
She laughs again. If this is what I gotta do to hear her beautiful laugh, I'll make jokes more often.
"Haha, well, that's all. Oh, and sorry about your face too. I'll try to consider ALL the suspects next time." She says and walks off.
"Yeah, you do that! And don't worry! I'll be sure to tell Eight how tactful you are!"
I close my eyes and sigh, listening, as her laughs fill the hall.
I like Six.
I really like Six.
I love Six.
. . .

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