part two

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kenzies mom made us breakfast. It was our favorite. Oatmeal and bagels with cream cheese.
Then her mom gave me some aspirin and some other pill to help with the pain. At this point I still haven't saw myself. But I knew i must have been bleeding really bad last night because my white shorts was now red and my boots was stained red and so was I.
"I need to take a shower"
"Eat first" kenzie said with her mouth full
So I ate until I couldn't anymore.
I was so hungry. Then I get me my brothers hoodie I stole from him and some sweat pants and my glittery laced underwear and a matching bra from Victoria secret and walked slowly to the bathroom.
I turn on the light and I'm shocked by what I see in the reflection.
My face was busted up in several places but kenzies mom had put butterfly stitches to cover them. Blood covers most of My face but I could see where her mom had tried to clean me up. It didn't work well. My lip was swelled pretty bad, you could see where it was split down the middle
It looked like something out of a horror movie and then I took off my t- shirt to see my entire body bruised. It was so bad I cringed when I saw it.
My legs was all scratched from falling and I had blisters on my feet from my steal toes.
Then I just lost it.
I broke down right there in the bathroom.
I pulled my self together enough to get in the shower.
The shower is hot and steamy and it burns my face from all the cuts on it. But the tears are burning my eyes as well.
But it washes all the blood and pains way for just a little while.
I sit down in the big tub and cry. I cry harder than I ever have before. The pain in my heart doesn't even compare to the pain on my face and on my body.
The real damage was how he just treated me so bad. So bad like I was nothing. I was nothing. I am nothing.
I get out of the shower and slip on the clothes I had gathered.
Then I hear a knock at the door. It was my brother grant.
I opened the window slightly so I could hear what him and kenzies mom was saying.
"She's okay. She just had a little fall but I got her fixed up so she'll be fine." kenzies mom lied threw her teeth.
I had begged her not to tell them about the abuse because my mom would have to come take care of me and she had to work.
"Well can I at least see her?" he asked beggingly
"She's in the shower I'll have her call you when shes out."
"Okay" he says walking down the stairs then he turns around and says "just make sure she's well taken care of"
"Will do" she says coming inside
I open the bathroom door and come out of the bathroom I'm freezing because they always had the air on the lowest setting.
Then me and kenzie go to her room and sit on her huge bed and lay looking out the window.
"He won't remember what happened." I said knowing It was the truth.
"He never does" she says
The phone rings
"Its your mom here" she says handing me the phone
"Grant called!! Are you okay? Where is your dad?" she asked dramatically like always.
"Mom I'm fine and he's at work" I lie like always.
"Well good" she says with relief
Radio silence happens for a couple of minutes
" I miss you mom" I say trying not to cry
" I miss you to baby, here soon I'll come see you but right now work is so busy and I can't but I'll send money for you."
"Okay mommy. I love you so much" I say with all my heart
"I love you to baby, are you sure everything is okay?" she asked worried
"Yes Everything is fine." I say trying to sound like it was
"Okay well baby I got to go to work. Bye"
"Bye" I said sadly as a tear drops off my face.
"When are you going to tell her?"
"I'm not going to. She don't need to know."
"Well you need to. You can't keep letting him do this to you." she says seriously
"I know" I say not wanting to face the truth

Fast forward two days

*door bell chimes*

tell her to come home by 6 we need to have a discussion." I hear him say with a raspy voice that sent chills straight up my spine.
"Listen I think she should stay here a couple of days."
" I don't give a Fuck what you think. Have her home or I'll come get her myself and trust me you don't want that." he says walking away throwing a glass bottle into the yard hitting the dog, causing it to whimper.
Kenzies mom walks into the room where we was listening.
"We Have to call your mom. Its either we call her or we call the police."
I knew she wasn't kidding and there wasn't any changing her mind.
She dials the phone. But doesn't hit the green button.
Me and kenzie are looking at each other nervously
"Last chance to change who you want me to call." her mom says seriously.
"Do it."
**ring ring

Thanks for reading!
I hope you liked this story!! Stay tuned to see who they call and more will come.
Xoxo -lostgirl

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