Saying Our Thanks

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Catherine started to slowly regain conciousnes.She remembered the God awful stench, then the creature that attacked her. But she didn't remember being on such a soft blanket.Catherine blinked her bright blue eyes open, expecting to see the ceiling of the cave. Instead she saw an off-white ceiling and the fan slowly going around. Her fingers slowly traced the blanket. It was the one from the hotel.

She sat up, and a pain in her back started to hurt."Good, you're up."A familiar voice called from the bathroom. Alyssa came out, drying her hair with a light pink towel. Catheirne gave her a slightly confusing glance. "Are the kids ok?"Was the first thing that Catherine asked. Even if her safety was on the edge of death, she was more concerned for the well-being of other people. It was a blessing and a curse. Alyssa nodded, then shook her headand her  light blonde hair went flying around like a dog's.She stopped, her hair a mess.

"Sam got them out before the cave collpased. You too, as you can tell."Catherine fidgited on the bed."What the hell happened?"Her back was killing her and she was dying for some pain killers. "Well. Hmm..,"Alyssa sat down on the bed next to Catherine. Catherine knew this pause all too well."Alyssa, please tell me that you didn't have a one-nighter with Dean!"Alyssa gulped.

"Fine, I won't tell you.."Alyssa got up and walked over to a dark brown dresser and tossed Catherine a orange bottle. Catherine held it up and exaimed it."Marissa McCarthy?" Alyssa nodded."Yup. Hope it works, because those are really cheap meds."Alyssa moved around and laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling."They really need to clean that,"she pointed to the huge blood spot on the ceiling.

Catherine turned her head to exaime it." does that happen?"

Alyssa chuckled."Must've been one tough one-nighter for somebody,"Catherine tossed a pillow at Alyssa."Wasn't mine! And you throw like a girl!" Catheirne jumped up, tackling Alyssa to the ground.The pain in her back shot up and she rolled over."Haha,"Alyssa chuckled, getting back up and sitting in the chair across the room

"Just remember..."Catherine's voice trailed off. "Remember what?"Alyssa asked."That I own the car, and I can tell you to take a hike." "Well, aren't you just peachy?"Alyssa said sarcasticly. "Mhm. I'm a very cheerful person, if you can't tell."Catherine said as she took off the white lid to the orange container. Advil, maybe? Or asprin. Didn't matter, her back felt like it was on fire.""

"What?"Asked Alyssa, her head propped up by her hands as she leaned against the small table where Catherine's laptop was."I feel really shitty,"Catherine mummbled."Well, you were attacked... I bet you do."Catherine shook her head. She didn't mean it that way... she absolutely hated being the damisel in distress, having other peeople take care of her. Wasn't in her nature to be vulnerable.

"No, I mean I feel shitty for maving them take care of me like that. I should have been there, fighting beside them. But instead, I let myself get hurt like this. There were lives at stake, Lyssa. Children's lives; lives unlived. I would hate myself if they hadn't made it out."Catherine pouted, then rolled off the bed and to the floor."Dean and Sam understand, I bet."

"I bet they wouldn't. I bet they think that we're some weak ass hunters..."Catherine mummbled as she played with a long piece of string that was coming off of the black shirt that she was placed in."Whoa, when did I change?"

"Um...Well, you know that I'm not good with stiching up stuff..."Alyssa said, looking down at her nails.Catherine then turned to glare at her. Who changed her? Sam, or Dean?!"Who changed me?!"

"Well, I changed you. But it was Sam who stiched you up.I was in the room the wohle time; he didn't try to pull something on you. He actually seemed to care. Sam's a nice kid,"replied Alyssa.She then stood up and clapped her hands."Well, they want to meet up with us once more before we both part our ways. A victory dinner, you could say. You up for it?" Was she? Catherine didn't even feel like getting up, let alone actually eat something. But she had to be strong. BEing strong is in the hunter code.



Catherine had picked out  a black long-sleeved shirt and a grey vest, along with her grey Vans and black jeans, and was now waiting for Alyssa to come out from the bathroom. So standing in front of the vanity mirror, Catherine stared at her reflection. Did he see her scars? Her battle wounds? And if he did, what did he think? Did he think that she was crazy? Insaine?

Catherine sat down, her some-what dry hair cascading down her shoulders and to the middle of her back. She ran her fingers through it, feeling it's silkiness. She looked directly into her own blue eyes, and noticed how they were a little grey. Her eyes trailed to look at her face. She put on a fake smile, but you could tell that it was all fake. Her eyes gave her away.

She had strong cheerkbones with her freckles only on the left cheek. Her pink lips were full, and her nose was slightly pointed up, like a puppy's. Even with this face, she wasn't happy with it. She wondered where she got her looks from; her mother was a blonde, and her father a brunette. Where did her dark hair come from?

"Oh, shit!"Alyssa cried from the bathroom, startling Catherine."What?"Yelled Catherine, who thought that maybe Alyssa just tripped against the bathroom sink again."Dropped my eyeliner down the sink. I'm such a dumbfuck,"Alyssa mummbled.Catherine shook her head and stood up. She'll have to get dressed. As she turned, something caught her attention in the mirror. IT was her back.

As she used one of her hands to grab onto the towel, she used the other to trail down the long, deep scratches that went from from her shoulderblade to the middle of her back.She flinched slightly when she made contact."Ok, I'm ready!"Alyssa said happily as she came out of the bathroom.

Catherine looked at her through the mirror."It's this bad?"Alyssa ignored her question and walked outside. Grr.Catherine then rushed to get dressed and ran outside too."Thanks for ignoring me,"

"Oh no problem,"Alyssa said. CAtherine gave Alyssa a skeptical look. What was wrong with her? Maybe it was just PMS or something...


"Hey,"Sam said, looking at Dean with his light blue eyes."What?"Dean asked."Do you think... that maybe we should team up with them more often? I mean, you sorta have a thing with Barbie, right?" "What of it?"Dean asked, playing with a fork."Well... they're good hunters. We work with them well. And accidents happen, so don't say that they're just bad in this."

"Well, Sammy, I really don't know what to say. Hunters like up should rarely team up. It's bad. I say no," Dean replied, now looking at Sam. Sam shook his head slightly and looked at the menu. So this would be a goodbye.

"Hey guys,"Alyssa said as she sat next to Dean in the booth, making him scoot over a bit. He put his arm around her shoulders and gave a small smirk. Catherine walked up, a little stiffly, and sat beside Sam. "Hello ladies,"Dean answered, then started to flirt with Alyssa. Catherine turned to Sam."Sam.. I'm sorry."

That surprised Sam. She's sorry?"For what?"Sam asked, turning a little so he could talk to her better." Well, lettiing myself get hurt and having y'all take care of the rest of the job. And thanks, too."She said, her blue eyes looking slightly sad."You don't have to say you're sorry. We were practically done already.And any-"

"Besides, Sam actually stayed behind to take care of you. Me and Barbie had to rekill a damn witch."Dean grumbled as he took a sip of his coke.Catherine looked back at Alyssa, who nodded."Yeah, he does wonders with his hands... as you can tell."Alyssa confirmed, smiling a little at Sam and Catherine. Ok, even if Catherine really didn't know these bothers that well, but she could tell that they were good at what they did. And unlike most hunters, they actually cared about other people.

Most hunters would just do the job and leave, not caring about the lives that they just messed with. Maybe Sam and Dean were 3 percenters; maybe they were geniually nice and cool with other people. Sure Dean could be an arrogant hot-head who just wanted drinks and girls, but he seemed ok. Content with himself. Sam was really nice, and he reminded Catherine of her past... which was a bad thing."Thanks for the fix,"she mummbled to Sam. Sam only nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

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