Hard Workin' Kids

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Catherine and Alyssa stepped out of the dress shop, looking as sharp as ever. Alyssa was dressed in a pencil skit, blouse ,and dark gray flats. Catherine hated skirts, so she wore classy pants ,blouse, blazer, and heels. "I hate heels,"Catherine whined."Hey ,I'm wearing the skirt, so shut it."Alyssa snapped,opening her side to the car. Catherine rolled her eyes." Lyssa, you know how hard it is to run in high heels? I'm not a prostatue running from a pimp, so I'm not used to it.

Alyssa laughed and shook her head slightly."You have a wicked sense of humor, Kit-Kat."Catherine hated her nickname. Maybe it was because she vaugely remembered her mother calling her that before she died, or maybe because she wasn't so fond of chocolate. Whatever the reason, she hated the nickname. Catherine walked to the other end,got in and started the engine.As the engine roared to life, she rolled out of the parking lot."So,where's the family live again?"

"In town,idjit."Catherine said, reaching into the backseat and grabbing the pile of papers and handing them to Alyssa. Alyssa sighed and took the papers."So...This tells me..."Alyssa stopped, looked up frm the papers and at Catherine, and waited for Catherine's answer.

"That tells you that three kids were dragged into the forest and had only one witness."Catherine hated cases that involved children."I thought you said that they were a family of four?" Catherine accelerated, keeping her eyes on the road."That's all there is now."


"Ma'am,could you please tell us exactly what happened?"Catherine asked, her notepad in her hand and her silver pen in the other.The mother was still grieving and could barely do anything but cry and wipe her nose. Catherine knew she would too if she only had two kids left out of five. Well, grieve, but not the other two. She's sure that she would kill the son of a bitch that murdered her children.

"I already told the poi-"

"We're not the police, we're the FBI."Alyssa said, sitting down next to the mother. The mother just shook her head, holding up a white hankerchief to her nose. She blew."I-I was cooking dinner. I had told Mary to go get her brothers, Alan, David,and Brian. Mary left..,"The mother started to cry again. Catherine sat down on the couch next to her.

Catherine and Alyssa know it's not good to get attached to a case. Alyssa did her best not to when it involves demons and vampires, Catherine tried her best not to when it involves a family. It reminds them too much of a past that they try to forget.

"It's ok,"Catherine said,giving the mother a comforting caress on her hand. The mother shook her head."No... I suppose it's better to get it out." Catherine nodded,then started to ask more questions."So, when did you exactily hear those screams?"

"Right around nightfall...that's why I-I asked Mary to go get the boys."

Then the door opened. It revealed a tall man with a beard,a little girl around twelve ,and a smaller girl. They were all carrying bags filled with groceries. Catherine got up and helped both of the girls by taking one from each of them. They smiled lightly and muttered their thanks.

"Donna,who are these people?" The man asked, placing his bags on the table. He had an angry look on his face, but he also looked like he was trying to hide something.Catherine placed the bags she was holding next to them. "Mike,these people are the FBI... They're here for more-" "The police already came."He statted, a little irritated.

"Well,the local police haven't came up with anything, and we want to find your kids and catch the kidnapper."Catherine said,now standing near where Alyssa was sitting. The man nodded,scratching his beard. A tell. Since Catherine was great at poker,it was easy for her to tell peoples' tells. There was also a very odd quality about him, and neither Catherine nor Alyssa could place their fingers on it.

"Can you continue?"Alyssa asked. The mother nodded, looking over at her daughters."Like I said, I was making dinner ,asked Mary to go get the kids...she came back saying somebody took them into the woods. Mike,"Mike grasped her shoulder carefully ,as if he could break her that way."Mike ran into the woods with his gun, but he found nothing."

Catherine looked at the father. He was staring into space,or more importantly the photo of an old Willow tree.He looked captivated by it, like he was in a trance. His lips looked like they were moving, but no sound came out. Nobody else noticed it.

Catherine narrowed her eyes, looking at his lips a little closer. She couldn't quite make out the words...He stopped instantly, then looked dead at her.There was a strange fire burning in his dull brown eyes.  She gulped."Look,my wife and kids are tired ...leave."His tone was demanding, intemidating, scary. Like Catherine thought ,he was an odd man. Not many people scared her.

"Agent Reid,"Catherine said, signifing Alyssa. Alyssa looked up at at Catherine with her light blue eyes and nodded to her."I think we got alot of useful information. We'll keep in touch,"Alyssa stood up and both of them walked out.

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