Chapter 21 - Confusion, Jealousy and Reese

Start from the beginning

"Well, this was a nice turn of events" Jeff says with a small laugh. I smile and shake my head agreeing with him. We spend the next few minutes chatting before the rest of Jake's family arrives and Lily and Jeff leave to sit with them. I turn my attention to my phone which was beeping with a text message from Brandon.

Bringing Sasha to the game fair warning. The boys should be there soon and Courtney and the girls aren't too far behind.

Well, it seems like Sasha and Brandon got along quite swimmingly. Wow that made me sound so old...who even says swimmingly anymore?

I was disrupted from my random thoughts by a deep voice. "Amelia?" I turn my head to see Reese standing by me a grin on his face. "Well it's nice to see you again"

"Hey! What are you doing here? Last I checked Ridgewood high wasn't playing. Are you gate crashing again?" I tease him and he rolls his eyes taking a seat on my left.

"You're never going to let that go, are you?" he asks with a grimace and I laugh.

"Never. So what are you doing here?" I ask him again and he nods his head towards the field.

"Checking out the competition, I'm in the soccer team for my school" He says looking at the teams warming up and I nod my head absentmindedly, my attention slightly diverted towards Jake who was glaring daggers at Reese's head. Slightly confused I decide to ignore his strange behaviour and focus on what Reese was saying. Well I tried to, but I couldn't because we were interrupted by a loud squeal.

"Amelia!!" Bridget comes running towards me her arms outstretched for a hug and I brace myself for the impact. After nearly crushing me in her grip she releases me. "Where the hell did you disappear to last night?? Do you know how worried we were? Couldn't you have texted us? That's was so inconsiderate-"

"Bridge, I did text you. Jake picked me up to take me home" I say with a slight laugh, she frowns and looks down at her phone scrolling through the messages, no doubt.

"Oh, what do you know... hehe... here it is! Whoops I was probably too tired to notice. Sorry" she chuckles sheepishly and I roll my eyes.

"No problem, um Reese this is my friend Bridget and Bridget this is Reese. I met him at the party yesterday" I introduce the two of them smirking slightly at the blush that lights up Bridget's face when she realises he was watching the whole time.

"Um hi" she mutters quietly before taking a seat on my right cursing lowly under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

Reese sends me an amused smirk before leaning over me to speak to Bridget. "Hi, so I'm guessing you go to West Oak too?" she nods quickly and he leans back. I glance at Bridget and have to bite my lip so that I don't laugh at the look on her face. Her face was bright red and she had removed the hair tie holding up her ponytail so that her hair covered her face.

"You're friend's pretty shy, it's cute" Reese whispers into my ears.

"Yeah, well if you're going to try anything on her make sure you have a better pick up line than the one you had last night. And I wouldn't even consider playing her if I was you" I whisper back, turning my head towards him so that Bridget can't hear. It was only then that I realised how close our faces were. I blink in surprise and he breathes a laugh his breath hitting my face, I was just about to move back when a soccer ball went hurtling over our heads; narrowly missing us.

"What the hell!" Reese mutters looking behind us towards the innocent looking white soccer ball.

"Shit! Sorry are guys okay?" Jake's voice filters over to us as he jumps the railing to stand in front of us. The question was directed at the two of us, yet Jake's eyes never strayed from mine. I shake my head a little as if it could shake away the shock that took over my body.

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