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Amy's POV

I had just gotten back from my step cousins house after spending most of the day Pokemon catching. After a long golf cart ride with Lara, she headed up to her room to watch YouTube videos, and I threw myself straight onto the couch to absorb all the good wifi. Messaging my group chats eventually got boring so I decided to FaceTime with CJ. It barely had to ring before she answered.
"Hey man what's up?" She says, while laying on her bed, like most of our FaceTime calls.

"Absolutely nothing. How was babysitting?"
It was pointless chatter like this until she begins with a story.

"So you know how I like to laugh right? I decided to listen to Jacob Sartorious's Swearshirt again to make fun of it, but halfway through I was thinking to myself 'this isn't even that bad.'"

"Oh god CJ, what have you become? I'm scared for you! There's going to be a special made pit for you guys to rot in hell!" I said, honestly concerned to what she was becoming without me there. I had been gone visiting my dad for nearly 2 weeks, and I could tell she was becoming different. Hanging with who-who-WHORES, thinking of joining the KKK, and now liking Jacob Saggytits?! She was dead to me. After almost silence, we ended the call. I hope this is just a small phase and she hates him tomorrow. Hope is all I have to get her through this treacherous phase. But what if hope isn't enough?

 sweatshirt || jacob sartorious humour fic Where stories live. Discover now