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"Net addict" that's what they called me. While my mom called me Facebook butterfly. Anyhow, I didn't care. I had more than a thousand friends on Facebook. Being cute, my profile pics got many likes and comments. My girlfriends called me selfie queen. I changed my profile pics every week. I liked and shared many posts. I chatted with 10-15 people simultaneously. I clicked selfies wherever I went and later uploaded them. And of course got lots of likes. I was popular among boys.

That's when I got a friend request. I clicked on the profile pic to see who the person was. His name was Ryan Jackson. He was cute. I ran a check through his profile. He had about 600 friends. He usually hung out with four guys as they can be spotted in most of the pics he uploaded. I finally accepted his friend request.

"Hey you're cute" he said or rather typed. Once again I opened his current pic and observed him keenly. He was cute. "You're cute too " I gave my honest opinion and sent it. He sent a smiling emoji and then the marathon chat began-
Ryan - seems like you r popular

Me- indeed ;-)

Ryan - very cute pics ;-)

Me - checking out my profile, huh?

Ryan - correct cutie: -)

And for the first time in my three years on Facebook, I ignored all other people who were active and texting me.

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