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Daylight struck my face and I slowly regained my consciousness. A familiar face became visible. My dad. He looked relieved at first and then almost instantly his expressions changed. He looked at me with worry and said, "What were doing near those woods?" I said something intelligent, "Huh?" He looked exasperated. Then last evening's memories came back to me slowly. The chats, the news, the meeting near woods. I looked at my dad. He was waiting for an explanation. I wasn't sure if he would believe my story. "I don't want to talk about it now." I said to him. He nodded and said, "Ok"

I thought and thought about Ryan. Did that really happened to me? I wasn't sure. According to dad's story, when I didn't return till midnight, he was worried about me and set out searching for me. He called all my friends. He called up everyone who could tell about my whereabouts. Then finally he began looking for me on neighborhood streets. Meanwhile my girl gang searched for me in all unusual places until they found me lying unconscious on a bench outside the coffee shop near woods.

But where was Ryan? What happened to him?

I checked my Facebook account. The chats were gone. I searched for him on Facebook his profile was gone. I checked for his email address that was gone too.

It was like he never existed.


Thank you for reading and voting for my story. :-)

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