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"Ya! Yeobo hurry up, I'm feeling bored already!!" Hyuk shouted. He was waiting for his partner to finish whatever she was doing.

"Just wait for a while, I'm still not done getting ready!" Khate answered back. Her voice muffled by the walls of her room.

"Okay hurry up! Your so slow as always." Hyuk teased her, Silenty chuckling to himself.

"Ya! I'm not slow, your just too excited. You big baby!" Khate answers.

"Whatever yeobo, explain it to the court." Hyuk sarcastically said. Rolling his eyes even though the latter can't see him.

"Why don't you just shut up, so I can finally finish getting ready?!" Khate irritatedly ordered him.

So he finally shuts up, and just waits for the ever so slow moving Khate. After 10 more minutes Khate finally emerges from her room.

"Finally the royal highness finally finished getting ready." Hyuk says in a teasing voice.

"Whatever! Now lets just get this date going you devil's spawn." Khate says, glaring at Hyuk. She holds the latter's hand and drags him out of her appartment. SangHyuk then leads the way towards the building's parking lot. When they arrived at the location Khate's face suddenly turned pale as a sheet of paper.

"A-Are w-we gonna ride that?" Khate asks in a shaky voice while pointing.

"Ne, whats the problem?" Hyuk asks, already walking towards the said object.

"Let's just take a taxi, you know I don't like riding motorcycles!" Khate whined, still standing at her place.

"Yeobo, I already told you my car is getting fixed today. So just ride the motorcyle." Hyuk explains. Already starting the vehicle.

"Whatever, I'm not going to ride that ticket to hell! If you want you can ride your motorcycle, I'll just take a cab." Khate still rejects the idea of riding the motorcycle.

"Sigh! How 'bout this, if you ride with me, we'll watch horror movies all day tommorrow." Hyuk bribes the latter, showing his charming smile. In the end, Khate did ride with him in his motorcycle towards their location.

"I will never ride those things again in my life. No matter what happens!" Khate says, her face still pale and looks like she's going to throw up.

"Hahaha! Don't worry yeobo, I'm sure your going to enjoy where we're going." Hyuk lightens up his partner. Putting his arm around the latter's shoulders and leading the way.

"You better make sure your telling the truth, or otherwise I'm gonna break up with you!" Khate threatens him.

"How about we make a bet, if you didn't enjoy this day do as you wish. But if I win, and you did have a great time I'll give you a punishment." Hyuk dares her, a glint of mischievousness evident in his eyes.

"Ok, I accept your challenge!" Khate confidently answers, being a very hard headed person she never backs down from any challenge.

Hyuk just says "Hmm, better prepare yourself yeobo."

Khate finally sees that SangHyuk brought her in an amusement park. First thing that they did was riding all of the park's rides, and then when both of them felt hungry they ate at a restaurant nearby. Next thing that they did was go watch a movie at the theatres, and lastly after that they went window shopping at the mall, before they finally decided to call it a day.

"So yeobo, did you enjoy our day together?" SangHyuk asks while walking.

"Alright I did enjoy our date." Khate straight forwardly answers.

"So you know the consequences since I won our bet?" SangHyuk puts on a very large grin. Just to further irritate Khate.

"Yes yes you win, if you want you can go ahead and celebrate with your mother! So what's your punishment?" Khate says glaring at the former.

"Don't worry it's not that hard. I just want you to kiss me on the lips." SangHyuk says in a teasing voice while smirking.

Khate suddenly feels like she's gonna choke on her own spit. Yes her and Hyuk had a few kisses to one another, but they are all on the cheeks. You see she's just not yet ready to be on that level on intimacy with Hyuk.

"Are you just going to stand there and keep me waiting Yeobo?" Hyuk asks, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Alright I'm gonna do it. Don't get your panties all tangled up. Sigh!" The latter whines, she steps closer towards Hyuk and puts her hands on his nape. She gently lowers his head and when there's just a little space separating them she stops and looks at his eyes. She see's nothing but pure love and trust in his boyfriends eyes, so she finally closes the gap between them. They kiss slowly, and Hyuk wraps his arms around Khate's waist and pulls her closer towards him. When they finally separated they were catching their breaths and leaning their foreheads.

"Your my first and last love Ham SangHyuk. 사랑해요~" Khate whispers towards Hyuk.

"Same for me Yeobo! 사랑하자" Hyuk answers while grinning from ear to ear.
That's how their night ends. Sharing unforgettable moments, where the stars are their only witness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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