๑ mч síngíng αngєl // hαrrч stчlєs [α.u] ๑

9K 73 14

๑ Prologue ๑

A cool fall night in Arizona wasn't accustomed. It was rarely cool there, and for it to be now was out of the ordinary. It was October 30th, the night before Halloween. Every year the most popular girl in school, Kaylah, would have a huge Halloween party. Since this year Halloween was on a Friday, it gave the whole idea an ever more exciting one to know the actual party was on Halloween instead of after or before. Aaliyah never liked to attend them, though. She wasn't really the social type, nor a partyer. Just the thought of it made her cringe. She stared out the window, watching as the leaves fell from the trees and the wind picking up it's power. Aaliyah looked at the clock sitting on her night-table. Seeing it was already almost quarter-to-ten, she got up and decided to get to bed. As she got up, she couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her. This wasn't the first time she felt that way, though. She's felt this ever since she was little. She didn't understand why, and would wipe off the feeling, although it has always bothered her. She wouldn't dare tell her mother, though. Her mother was one of the ones who "didn't have time for all the dramatics" kind of mother. She'd never really listen. So you could say she didn't have a special bond with her, I suppose. As she closed her eyes, she couldn't help but hear that same noise she'd hear every night, every time she'd try to sleep. It sounded like a male's voice humming, and it freaked her out. Although, in a way it was quite soothing. Aaliyah couldn't actually hear the man's voice, but she could definitely tell it certainly was a man from how deep it was. It calmed her down, and freaked her out all at the same time. But it'd continue until she'd fall asleep, and she wouldn't complain about it. It seemed to actually help her get to sleep, strangely. It made her feel comfortable; safe. For whatever reason that was.

"Aaliyah, darling. Wake up," Aaliyah's mother shook her.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"Time to get up and ready for school, that's what time it is." Her mother wasn't as cheerful as she'd remembered her to be. Ever since Aaliyah's dad died, everything went downhill for them both. Of course, her mother took it more harder than she did. Aaliyah didn't really know anything of how and what caused her father's death, but she never brought it up and asked about it to her mom. She knew it was a touchy subject, and didn't want to upset her mother even more. There aren't any pictures around the house of her father, nor even her and her mother, really. It seemed as if there weren't any memories at all. As if she never even had a father to begin with. The only pictures her mother had up were from when Aaliyah was seven and up, that's it. Everything else was gone like smoke, as if from age six down never even happened in her life. All she knew was that she used to live in the U.K. before her father's passing. Her mother couldn't stand to live where her father's family was, them reminding her mother too much of him, and so her mother decided to move to the U.S. That's when they got to Arizona. Aaliyah can't remember anything from the U.K. though. It seemed like a blur.

Aaliyah got out of bed, and made her way downstairs. Her mother was on the couch, watching the television when she took her last step down the stairs, now on the floor. 

"What's going on out in the world today, ma?" She asked her mother, curiosity filling her. Nothing exciting ever happened in her life. She didn't have much friends, and the ones she did have weren't ever really there for her. It wasn't like she could vent to them when she needed to, or anything of that sort.

"Nothing. Nothing as usual."

Aaliyah poured herself a bowl of cereal and grabbed a glass of orange juice. When finished, she got everything together for school, and got herself ready before she was ready to go. 

"See you later, ma," She'd call out to her mother from the front door. Her mother would only respond with a small wave of hand before the door shut. Bringing her backpack upward more on her shoulder, she walked down the sidewalk towards school. It wasn't much of a walk. As she was walking, she couldn't help but feel an eerie feeling. That same feeling she got everyday, like someone else was there. She tried to ignore it. A sudden honk made her jump, before she looked to her right to see Kaylah and her two side-kicks in her Land Rover, driving away past her. Thank God it's Friday, Aaliyah thought.

๑ mч síngíng αngєl // hαrrч stчlєs [α.u] ๑ (ON HOLD UNTIL AFTER SUMMER)Where stories live. Discover now