“An idol?”

            “Yes. It seems that word has spread of the magnificent Anna Berndt and her troops. Everyone across America is talking about you, saying how you’re going to end this war and how we’re so lucky to have you.” He says.

            I look away and let the information sink in for a minute. Then I finally process what he said. My head jerks up as I look at General Lake with wide eyes.


            “Amazing isn’t it? Even the troops are hyped up and excited. Everyone in America is excited to see what Anna Berndt is going to do now.”

            I just look at him. Lost for words.

            “So the President thought it would be a good idea to use you as an idol. You give people hope and that’s exactly what we need right now. So Anna, what do you say?” General Lake asks.

            I look around the table at all the other Generals. Everyone is smiling encouragingly, except for General Carter and Robert. Actually, Robert is sneering at me. I think he’s against me becoming famous. I don’t trust Robert. There’s just something about him that doesn’t sit right with me. I look back up at General Lake.

            “Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?” I say.

            General Lake’s face lights up. “Great!” He then turns to everyone else. “Now on to our next topic. Robert here has given us some useful information it seems.”

            I look at Robert suspiciously. “What kind of information?” I ask wearily.

            “The Russians intercepted one of France’s telegrams. Apparently France is trying to get Spain to work with them. They’re also planning something big.” General Lake looks around the table slowly, carefully looking at everyone in the eye. “They’re planning to nuke various parts of the U.S.”

            Everyone starts yelling and cursing.

            “That’s impossible!” I yell. “Only America knows how to make an atomic bomb. How did they figure it out? Not to mention the costs!”

            “We’re not sure. Maybe they somehow figured it out or maybe someone gave them the instructions. As for the money, they already have a considerable amount in debt, what's more to them at this point? Either way, we’re trying to keep this quiet in case there is a traitor in our army.”

            “But this is serious. We have to stop them right away.” That’s the first time General Robinson spoke this whole meeting.

            “I agree but it’s going to be difficult. We found out that they won’t be able to do it for at least a month. So we have to take them out before then.” General Lake says.

            General Carter grunts. “Well my men are ready now. We’ll go take them out right now!” General Carter gets up, just waiting for the word so he can go charging in.

            I roll my eyes at him. “This is a complicated mission General Carter. We can’t just bust in and start swinging willy nilly.” I say.

            He glares at me.

            “General Berndt is right. We need to think about this clearly. Robert actually came up with a plan that I believe will work.” General Lake says.

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