The New Kids' A Player: Part Sixteen :)

Start from the beginning

He started blushing. “I doubt that.” he gently moved my hands away from the locker. He clicked some numbers and it popped opened.

I stared at him, confused. “How did you…?”

He bit his lip and started smiling. “Default code.” 

“Smart…” I nodded, opening my locker. Then I noticed shinny metal on his face. “You got snake bites?”

He shook his head. “I’ve always had then. I just don’t normally put them in.”

“Uhm, hi Zack.” some blonde haired girl giggled as she wiggled her fingers at him.

He gave her a small smile. “Hello.”

“Ohmygod! He talked to me!” she squeaked into her phone. Thank god he didn’t show all his teeth when he smiled. She would have passed out.

“Did Ashley send you to spy on him?” I said in a joking tone.

She gave me a dirty look before turning back to Zack. Can you say bitch? “Zack…I was wondering…do you wanna do something this weekend?” she giggled again. “Like maybe…go on a date? With me?” Well doesn’t she sound desperate. 

“Uhm…” Zack ruffled his hair with one hand, and put the other in his pocket. He looked confused. Pshh, like he doesn‘t know how hot he is. I crossed my arms and leaned on the locker, looking amused, waiting for him to answer her. This should interesting. His eyes flashed to me and back to Blondie. “Rain check, Alice?”

She smiled. “Sure! I’ll text you!” with that, she ran down the hall. Well…more like skipped like some sort of peppy cheerleader. Hell, maybe she is a cheerleader? Who the fuck cares.

“Looks like you’ve got girls are all over you now.” I chuckled. “Cheerleaders, soccer players, band chicks. You could basically pick your choice.”

“I’m only interested in one.”

“Hope she’s pretty.” I continued to look for a paper in my locker, not really paying attention to Zack or what I was saying.

“She’s not pretty. She’s beautiful.”

I froze, realizing what he just said. Wait a second… “Wait, what’s her name?”

He bit his lip looking down. “I’m sure you can guess.” he always has an innocent look on his face.

“I hate to intrude on such a touching moment but,” Jessica said in serious tone. “We seem to have a situation.” she handed me her phone. A photo of Blake and Kaylee against some lockers. I’m sure you can guess what they were doing.

“Oh not this bitch again.” I sighed, raising an eyebrow. “Where the fuck are the teachers in this school?”

“Watch your mouth Miss Cruz!” Mrs. Alley, our French teacher, hissed at me as she walked pass.

I face palmed.

Zack looked confused. “Heather…?”

“Oh!” I tangled my fingers in his. “Don’t you have AP classes today?”

He nodded. “I do.”

“Alright, I’ll…see you later?” I smiled at him.

“Sure.” I he said as he started walking backwards, holding onto my hand until he couldn’t anymore. He started blushing when I winked at him. So damn cute.

“Please kiss him and get it over with.” Jessica rolled her eyes. “You see how he’s dressing now?” she pointed to Zack walking down the hall. “He’s begging you to fuck him.”

The New Kids' A Player (Unrevised Version)Where stories live. Discover now