Chapter Sixteen

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I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't nervous. I managed to sleep for a few hours after my encounter with Haymitch in the kitchen. Right now, I'm standing in front of the mirror, looking at my arena outfit. Olive pants, black shirt and boots. I'll get my jacket when I go into the catacombs. I don't know what weapon I'm going for this year, whatever I can get my hands on. There was a small knock on my door.

"Come in" Flavius enters, holding a tray of food in his hands.

"Breakfast" But I'm not hungry, I wanted to say, but he was only trying to be nice, there was no need for my cheekiness. I thank him, and try to eat, but with the way my stomach is right now, I could be eating metal and not care.

"And drink this" He holds out a cup of water, which I immediately accept. I know for a fact that water is hard to find in every arena, no doubt about it. After drinking all of the water, I go and brush my teeth, and then put my hair into a messy bun at the top of my head.

"How long until we get picked up?" I ask. He looks at his watch.

"Any moment now" As if on cue, a Peacekeeper comes in, telling us it's time to go.

My hearts beating so fast I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack yet. But, I'm sure when I get up there I'll be just fine, like always. But that's the thing, will I be? I've known every year that I'm stronger than everyone else, and I'll make it out alive but I'm putting my life on the line for Peeta and Katniss. Why? I don't even know, maybe it's because I know they're better people than me, and when one of them wins, they won't need to worry about everyone hating them, some will of course, but not the whole of Panem.

"I'll see you later Luce" Flavius exchanges a smile, and rubs my arm, before being escorted out of the apartment.

"Luce" I hear Haymitch shout, forcing me out of my trance.

"Coming" I take one last look in the mirror, sigh, and straighten my necklace. Once I leave my room, Haymitch is standing in the lift.

"About time, they're waiting for you" he tells me, as the door begins to close and we zoom to the lift.

"You sound like Effie" I laugh, but he's silent.

"Luce are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Yes. I'm sure"

"Because no ones asking you to sacrifice your life for-" but I cut him off.

"Haymitch please, it's hard enough thinking about it let alone talking about it"

I was tossing and turning all last night thinking of how I'm going to even attempt to help. As soon as we're in the arena, our lives our in our and the gamemakers hands.

"Right, well, yeah." I can tell he's finding it awkward, we're practically talking about my death. The death of the only thing that truly matters in his life.

"I'm sorry." He nods his head, but says nothing, as the lift doors open.

"I love you, please tell Effie I love her too, you're the only family I have." he grabs hold of me, and hugs me tight.

"I know Luce, I know, we love you too" we hold each other for what seems like only a few seconds before peacekeepers tell me to come with them. I give Haymitch a small smile, which he returns, before I turn around, and am guarded to my own private hovercraft.


When we arrive at the entrance to the catacombs, each of us are taken to our own launch rooms, where we prepare and get ready for the Games.

Flavius is standing there, with open arms, which I walk into gladly.

"Before we do anything, I just want to say it's been an honor working with you"

"I take it you know about the plan with Peeta and I then?" He doesn't need to reply for me to know the answer. Instead he grabs hold of my waterproof jacket, and places it on my shoulders.

"I see you're wearing my necklace?" He points out. I smile.

"It's my new favorite thing"

"30 seconds" the machine voice tells us. 30 seconds to prepare for launch.

"I wish you all the best of luck, Luce" he says, taking hold of my hands.

"Thank you, and I wish I could say I'm looking forward to seeing you again"

"20 seconds"

We don't say anything else, so I turn, and begin to walk to my launch tube.

"10 seconds" I stand inside, and the glass door slides shut behind me.

I turn around for the last time. Flavius is giving me a weak smile. I try and wave, but my hand just seems to stop. My platform begins to rise, so I spin back around.

When the tip of my head reaches the top of the tube I hear the famous announcer Claudius Templesmith boom around the whole arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let the seventy-fourth annual Hunger Games begin!"

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