2 - Rescue

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Alan tapped the comm, "Thunderbird Three to Thunderbird Five, you okay, John?" No answer. He frowned, "Thunderbird Five, do you copy?" He groaned and hit the comm in frustration. Communications aboard Thunderbird Five must have been compromised, or, worse, John was hurt.

"Virgil, look," Alan pointed to Thunderbird Five.

"That's making me even dizzier," Virgil groaned, "At least I don't have any more breakfast to throw up."

The comm came to life. "Do you have visuals on Thunderbird Five?" It was Brains.

"Yeah," Alan scratched his head, "The gravity wheel is spinning like crazy and stopping and spinning every which way. The thrusters are wacko too. I can't dock normally like this."

Brains nodded solemnly, like he'd expected this, "Disconnect the p-power supply to the ring. That's the only way to stop the spinning and implement n-normal docking procedures."

"Doesn't that alert the hacker to our presence?" Alan mused.

"You have n-no choice. That's the only way."

"Won't that shut down life support?" Virgil asked, worriedly.

"No, the systems each run on individual power supplies." Brains looked almost smug.

"FAB," Alan said, then shut his comm.

"Um, if we can't dock, how can we cut off the power supply?" Virgil looked as if he knew what Alan was about to see and was trying very hard not to let it get to him.

Alan was already gearing up, "We go on foot, duh."

"Oh great," Virgil muttered, but he suited up nevertheless. When duty called, he couldn't ignore it. Especially since it was family.

"C'mon," Alan beckoned. Virgil shuddered and clung tightly to Alan as Alan steered the space scooter deftly towards Thunderbird Five.


John blinked groggily. Where was he? He raised his head in the peaceful vaccum of zero gravity. The central memory core was clipped to his sash.

It all came flooding back in a rush. EOS, his bird was hacked... Where were Alan and Virgil? Everything hurt.

He lifted his left hand to tap on the comm. "Alan, are you there?" he croaked.


"Alright," Alan panted, "The power supply has been severed. Let's go in now."

Virgil was doubled over the space scooter. After all, he was the only one of the Tracy brothers who just couldn't stand space. Alan cleared his throat again, "Virgil?" Said Tracy raised his head and groaned, "Coming."

Just then, Alan's comm beeped, "Alan, are you there?" It was John, looking pale, and a grim, tired set to his mouth. Alan almost whooped in relief, "Yes, John, we just managed to cut the power, and we're coming in for you. Where are you?"

"I'm in the central memory room," John said, wincing a little at the movement.

Virgil hovered anxiously over Alan's shoulder, "You okay?"

"Yeah," John nodded, "I'm fine, just hurry and come pick me up."

"Don't think I believe you for a second John," Virgil trotted obediently behind Alan, trying not to retch, and beginning a scan of the life found on board Thunderbird Five.

John sighed, and almost immediately winced again, "Fine, Virge, put away that scan. I can give you a more accurate diagnosis than that thing can."

Alan rolled his eyes, punching in codes furiously, door after door, "We're almost there."

"Virgil, Alan, get out NOW," John's statement was stern and final.

"What is it?" Alan's hand froze over another keypad. Just three more doors left.

"Somehow the hacker has managed to shut down all life support. You don't have enough oxygen to last for the twenty minutes it'll take to come get me and carry me out."

Virgil was alarmed, "Carry you? Wait, is it that bad? Give me an account of your injuries now."

Alan seethed, "I'm coming in there to get you anyway. You forgot the extra oxygen tanks in the emergency cabinets." He resumed his furious button-punching. One down, two to go.

John sighed, "Right wrist broken, nerve damage. Broken collarbone, maybe left shoulder, I'm not sure."

Alan gave a sympathetic whistle, "What a mess you've gotten yourself into, John."

The last door opened with a muffled hiss, revealing the central power chamber. John was slumped in a corner next to the emergency equipment cabinet. Fortunately, he'd had the presence of mind to put his helmet on before life support was shut down.

"Make sure you grab the oxygen tanks in the cabinets," John's voice sounded pained and exhausted.

Alan was murmuring directions to Brains through his comm. Virgil crouched down next to John, "Oh Johnny, how'd you get yourself into this mess?"

John wasted no time, "Just help me up."

Virgil grabbed a med kit from the emergency cabinet. Swiftly he bound a wrist brace around John's limp right hand. "I can't do anything about the collarbone just yet. Let's just get out of here, alright?" Not waiting for an answer, he slipped an arm around John's back and heaved him up.

John gasped and hissed voluntarily at the pain that raged through him. He reeled a little, but Virgil held him up tightly. Virgil looked at him sympathetically and said laconically, "Sorry."

Alan grabbed oxygen tanks and helped support John with his other arm. Slowly, they made their way out of Thunderbird Five. "Brains has managed to regain control of Thunderbird Five and communications have been rerouted to Tracy Island. Grandma will take care of everything while you recover."

John nodded wearily. 

Thunderbird Five Is Go {John Tracy}Where stories live. Discover now