The Charity Ball!

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  So I'm dedecating this to InkWeaver1999 because he was my FIRST follower on here. So thank you InkWeaver1999!:)x follow                                                                    

 Abbie's P.O.V.

I walked down the stairs, one hand holding the stair railing and the other holding my dress up. I heard a lot of peoples names being called out, like Katy Perry and Lord Sugar. I listened until the last name was called out, One Direction, I looked up and saw 5 really hot guys walk past me and bumping into my shoulder and also knocking me over. One of them turned around and helped me up.

"Oh I'm so sorry, let me help you up?" He said

"I'm fine, and I'll get up by myself thank you very much." I replied

He said sorry again and noticed my tiara on the ground, he picked it up and was about to put ot in my hair.

"Who do you think you are, touching my tiara?" I stated

"Oh, does someone think they are the pwincess!" He joked but sounded serious in  a baby voice

"THINK, I know!-" I was cut off by someone shouted Princess, princess!

He blushed and noticed I actually was the princess, he was about to turn away but instead dropped a piece of paper by my foot. He then walked off. I picked up the piece of paper and I read 'Zayn (That guy you just met) 07842959312' I guess that was his number. I hope I dont see him anytime soon. I heard my name called out  and walked down the red carpet to my throne. I sighed and then rested my head on my hand looking like i simply couldn't care. Once Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, The Wanted, Brian Adams, Robbie Williams and Lady Gaga performed  and all the speeches were done, all that was left was dinner and One Direction's performance of One Way or Another. Before they sang we had dinner, I got up from my seat and walked out and up to my room. No one stopped me, obviously they knew not to mess with me. I grabbed my clothes and got changed  into normal teenage clothes which one of my friends left here when they were staying. I walked onto my blacony and attached a long rope to the fence, I threw the other bit of the rope over the side of the balcony, but before i climbed down, I got my dad's wallet and took my credit card from there and a load of cash to keep me going.  Just before I left I said

"Finally my life can begin!" With that I climbed down the rope and I was off on an adventure.

                                                                Abbie's Mother P.O.V.

Dinner had just started at the Charity Ball and everyone hopped up and grabbed some food from the buffet table. But as I got up from my throne, I noticed Abbie walking up the grand staircase to were her room was. I didn't think much of it. Just before dinner was over I asked one of the maids and one of the guards to go look for Abbie. And as soon as I said that, a big bell rung signalling that dinner was over. One of the guards then said 

"One Direction, please make your way over to the stage and prepare to sing"

Once that was said some young looking boys got up and walked to the stage. They started singing and to be honest they were very good. I saw a guard panicing at the top of the stair case and he made and emergency annoucement. The music stopped and the One Direction boys looked confused.

The guard said "Help the princess has ran-away!" Then he mumbled "again". 

The looks of everyone was embassering and everyone paniced. And with that the Party ended

Sorry its short :( but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update tomorrow again but after that I won't be online or able to update as my laptop is away to be fixed. Thanks for reading....actually since I love you guys! I'll udate again tonight!:)x And first comment will get a dedecation in next chapter......Hurry uploading soon!:)x

Love you's 1Dforever0028

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