The Lengths of a Crazy Fanboy Named Jermey

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Bonnie's P.O.V.


"But Bonnie."

"No. What you want requires blacks magic."

"But Alaric's so miserable on the other side. Can't you bring him back?"

"Bringing Alaric back would cause a disternbence in nature. He might be a zombie. And I would be cursed for using black magic."

"Well if we can't bring Alaric back, can we send Damon to the other side?"

"I can tie his energy to Alaric's. then when he is killed and sent to the other side, he will be able to see and touch Alaric."

"Good." I turned around to see Damon standing there. "Do it." I gathered candles and began the spell.

Damon's P.O.V.

I couldn't wait to be with Alaric again, especially since he knew that I loved him and he loved me. Now that I think about that, that meant I was excited to die. Hmm. Then of course Stefan the white night and Elena the brat had to bust the party.

"What are you doing Damon?!" yelled Elena.

"Dieing so that I can be with Ric."

"Why?! You have me, Damon."

"Fist of all, you don't have to always be the center of attention you brat. Second, I will never fully have you. I had Ric and never even knew it. I'd gladly choose him over you. Stefan, You can have her all to yourself. I just want Ric."

After I said that, Bonnie announced that she was done.

Stefan tried to speak up but I had already sped out of the room.


I sat on my bed holding a stake just above my chest.

"Alaric, you here buddy? I don't think I can do this. it for me."

Alaric's P.O.V.

I sat beside Damon. He was trying to bring himself to stake himself. He asked me to do it but I didn't want to be responsible for his death.

I found a pen and sheet of paper and wrote: I can't I love you and don't want to feel guilty for your death.

He read It and smiled.

Then black veins started to appear over his body and he dropped to the floor. Dead.

As he fell to the floor, he revealed Jermey, who had staked Damon.

Seconds later Damon gasped and sat up. Jermey kept looking at where he had layed but Damon's eyes quickly landed on me. Within milliseconds he had me pinned to the wall. He looked at my eyes then my lips and then my eyes again. Immediately I attached my lips to his. Soon we were making out.

Suddenly Jermey interrupted. "Yes!"

We both stared at him.

"I'll just...let myself out." he basically ran away.

When he left Damon's eyes, filled with lust, focused on me. "I want you." he said in his deep sexy voice.

I gulped. He flipped us over and onto the bed.

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