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"If you could stop giving him those pills it'd make my life a whole lot easier." I groaned as I tried to reason with Bray who practically give Roman pain pills whenever he wanted them.

"The kid said he was hurting so I give him what he needs." Bray said with a shrug, "As long as he doesn't get caught with them then he should be fine."

"This isn't about being caught, this is about his health." I say to him and lean against the wall, "Next time he comes to you, say no."

"If he comes to me I'm going to give them to him if he asks for them." He said back to me, giving me a said look.

I groaned and took my wallet out I my back pocket. Bray was a good friend, but he sure did know how to con people.

"How much it going to take?" I ask him.

"100 bucks." He said to me and I glare at him before pulling out a 100 dollar bill and shoving it into his hand.

"If I even see one of those pills on him, I'm coming to beat your ass." I mumbled and he laughed as he placed the money in his pocket.

"You know if I tell him no then he'll just find someone else that has them." He replied to me before leaning against the walk next to me, "Did you have a good rest or something? You seem more relaxed."

"What makes you say that?" I asked him to.

"Last time you thought, key word is 'thought' I gave him something, you almost beat me to death." He said.

"It was not to death." I say while hitting him in his stomach, "I went easy on you  and geez I said u was sorry."

"So what's got you in a less violent mood?" He asked me.

I opened my mouth but a voice had cut me short.

"Ambrose." I heard my name being called and I looked to see Brie walking towards the two of us. She sees Bray and looks him up and down for a moment.

"Mrs.Danielson." I say with a nod, "What brings you to this part of the arena?"

"I need to talk to you." She said while eying Bray, "Alone."

I looked at Bray who just shrugged.

"I'll catch you later." Bray said while walking off and I waved to him as he did so.

"What up-" I started to say but stopped as I felt a sharp sting on my cheek.

I slowly move my head back in her direction to see her giving me a look that would kill, but I don't hesitate to return one.

"If only I wasn't a gentlemen." I threatened, "What the hell was that for?"

"If you ever touch my sister again I swear I will have you ass out of a fücking job!" She shouted at me.

"First your slapping me, now threatening my job," I say to her, "When did you turn into Stephanie?"

"I'm not playing around right now Dean." She growled at me, "I don't want you near her. She's a married-"

"Correction," I interrupt her, "She's not."

"She's taken." She growled at me again, "Off limits. You're not allowed to fücking touch her, talk to her, or anything else."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble sweetheart," I say to her, "But she suggested it to me. I didn't force her into shit. In fact, if I can recall, she wanted it, she wanted me."

"She did not-" she started but I stopped her.

"Fuck me Dean! Fuck! Dean please. I need to cum." I mocked Nikki's voice and I smirked as she glared at me.

"You're a sick human being." She growled.

"Not the first time I've heard that one." I say while rolling my eyes.

"She was in a committed relationship." She said, "She loves John, understand? Not... Whatever you are. So stop trying to get what you'll never fucking have Ambrose. Her relationship was perfect until you started messing in it."

"Perfect relationships don't fucking exist." I say to her, "They never will. Not even what you and Bryan have is 'perfect' so get over yourself. Who the hell sent you to come talk to me? This whole conversation was completely unnecessary so if you excuse me."

I could feel her eyes on me as I walked off down the hallway.

"Stay away from her Dean." She shouted after me.

I simply rose my hand and silently sent her a 'fuck you' before continuing on my way.

Broken Soul • book one (complete) Where stories live. Discover now