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Hey guys I know that I ended my other story and I'm sorry but that story was going no where but I really hope you guys like this one better.

Idk why but I made this one short. Tell me in the comments if I should continue thx for reading 🙃🙂❤️

CRACK! The sound of a bat rang in my ears as I ran towards First base. The ball hit my glove with a smack as the umpire yelled "OUT!"

" Nice catch Leigh!" Coach yelled from across the field as I got up from almost dying doing the splits.

We won 7-3

When I was walking out to my car I was stopped by a guy "uh hey. I saw you playing softball and wanted to ask if I could take you out later?" He asked as his blue eyes shimmered in the sunlight

I reply saying yes, because he seemed like a pretty decent guy. "Yeah sure uh what time? Oh and my name is Leigh."

He replied "I like that name. I'm Mark.. Pick you up at 8:30?"
"Yeah sounds good. See you then!" I yelled as I hurried away because it was 6:30. I got in my car and reminded myself that I am 16 and will not forget to put something decent on because I'm really forgetful.

When I got home it was 7:00 and I hurried upstairs. I was looking all around my closet searching for something other than what I usually wear: sweatpants, track jackets and track pants.  Dang I have nothing decent do I? I thought when I finally found a long t-shirt and leggings. How I hate leggings...

Once I had a long auburn t-shirt and leggings I also found some boots that barely go past my ankle. I brushed my hair trying to straighten the stupid waves I have in it. DING DONG! I heard as I checked my phone which said 8:26
I hurried downstairs trying to not let my sister open it but she beat me to it. "Who are you??" She said with her 12 year old voice because she was twelve.

"I'm here for Leigh." Mark said hesitantly I giggled as my little sister glared at him and said "MESS WITH HER FEELING I'LL BREAK YOUR FACE!!!" . Then Mark gave me a look saying 'don't let her kill me..' I then tapped my little sister on the shoulder "Abbie, this Is Mark I'm going to go hang out with him." I told her. She trudged away rolling her eyes.

"Sorry about that she is over protective at times." I said embarrassed as my cheeks turned red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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