first fun.

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As me and Blake walked out of the school, I tripped on a tree stump and almost fell. I would have fallen if it weren't for the gorgeous, green eyed, prince. "Eeeeekkk" I screeched as I was falling, but a cold hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. Thankfully, I didn't get a face full of dirt. "Thanks, I appreciate it." I said to Blake.

"Do you want to go bowling on Saturday? I'd really want to get to know you better." He said. "Why of course, but, I don't have any money..." I complained. "It's fine, I'll drive you, and pay for you." He pleaded. "Why thank you! You're so kind!" I squealed and hugged him, then ran to my bus.

"Mom! Mom, mom, mom!" I screeched. "Is everything alright?!" My mother yelled as she ran to me. "Yes, YEs,YESS! A guy, called Blake, asked if I could go bowling with him on Saturday! Can I go?" I asked. "New friends, huh?" "Yeah, but that's not my point, can I go!?" I said "yes, you may, but you do realise, we have no money." She stated. "Yessss, I knowww, he said he'll drive me and pay for it!" I blurted. "Cool, when is it?" Momma asked. "Saturday, this Saturday."

*rrrriiiiinnnnngggggg* the school bell. That's it. I jolted over to my bus waving to Blake, I climbed inside the tiny, yellow bus door. I sat in my seat and texted Daniel.

Me: hey! Guess what!😃

Daniel: huh.

Me: I think I'm going on a date?


Me: yeah, remember the guy I said I had a crush on?😍He asked me to go bowling tomorrow. I said yeah, and now we're going.💓 Btw, his name is Blake.😆

Daniel: waht. You can not get a date before me.

Me: toooooooo baddddd

Daniel: welp. Have fun😈

The bus pulled up into the gate of my neighborhood and I hopped off. I opened the back door and stepped into our small house. I dragged myself up the stairs, exhausted from running all day on track. I started unpacking and putting my stuff up.

First I got a dresser from downstairs and set it up in the corner of my bedroom. I set up the picture of my dad, mom and me. I put a cactus on the back edge of the desk, the put my sketch pad in the middle.

I pulled open the squeaky closet door and started putting my clothes on the hangers and into drawers. I lined up my shoes on the bottom shelf.

I put a sheet, blanket, and pillow on my matress, and then went downstairs.

As I was eating my fish sticks and pork and beans I finished my sketch of Blake.

Now all I needed to do was color in his emralds for eyes, green. I put my plate in the dishwasher and then checked my messages.

Him😍 (Blake): hey☺ what's you're address so I know where to pick you up tomorrow..

Me: oh umm, its; 587 warehouse vanity Avenue Portland.

Him😍 (Blake): Cool, thanks.


Wowowowowowow! She's a neighborhood away from me! That's great!

I scrambled through my closet looking for clothes to wear tomorrow.
"PERFECT!" I screamed. A a button up shirt with skulls. She'll love this. And some white pants. And some black vans. I'll look amazing, I hope she likes me.

I ran downstairs for dinner and shoved the noodles and bread into my mouth. I ran down the hall to my room. I jumped on my bed and texted Laura, another friend of mine.


Laurie✌: wut

Me: guess what.

Laurie✌: wut

Me: tomorrow I'm going on a date.

Laurie✌: WUT

Me: yep, with a girl called Devon, and she's GORGEOUS.

Laurie✌: Cool. I really don't care. Bye.

I pulled my blankets over me and smiled to myself. She's so pretty, and sweet, I wish she liked me. I want to hold her hands and tell her she's the prettiest and sweetest girl I've ever met. Ugh, she's so beautiful inside and out.

That night I dreamed about her.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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