Chapter 2

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But at first, I had to think of a pseudonym. But, I just don't want someone to recognize me, that's why I won't use my name. Owl, just because I love to stay up all night? Australia, because one day I would love to visit this amazing country? But it's lame. And I am 100% sure, that these names will be taken and I will have to use numbers like Owl123 or Australia987. No! I had to think of something at least a bit smarter. At the end, I decided to choose pseudonym - Dreamer. Not very smart, but still better, than my first two ideas. Also, I was lucky, because this name wasn't taken. After that, I wrote a bit about myself:
Age - 20.
Gender - woman.
Country - Russia.
I want to talk to - both: women and men.
I am not looking for a lover, am I? That's why, I can talk with a girl as well. That's how, I will prove Alice, that I don't need a boyfriend. Now, I just need to press ''login'' and that's it. After few minutes, I sighed and finally pressed that button. After that, I just stared at the screen and waited till computer will find me someone. And finally, computer found me someone.
Loner265 - Hi there :)
Dreamer - Hello.
Loner265 - I want to find a girlfriend. Are you pretty??? Maybe you could do a photo for me? :*
When I read all this, I fastly ended the conversation. What the hell was that? How can someone ask a girl, is she pretty or no? I was shocked. I wanted to find a normal person to talk to, but I am not sure if it is possible. Well, fine I will try again. New person. Yogurt? Seriously? That's funny. It made me laugh a bit, but fine, fine I won't judge person, because of his pseudonym.
Dreamer - Hi.
Yogurt - Hey :)
Dreamer - I just have to ask, why Yogurt? :D
Yogurt - And why Dreamer?
Dreamer - Fine, fine. I get it, too personal and as I understand you don't want to talk about personal things.
Yogurt - Yes, sorry, but I like it like that more, because, you see, people look at me a bit differently, when they know who I am.
Dreamer - No, no it's okay, don't worry.  For some reasons, I also don't want someone to know, who I am.
Yogurt - I am glad. Then it's great that we met each other.
Dreamer - I agree. But I am curious, what city do you live in? Well, I guess it won't be too personal, because a lot of people live in cities.
Yogurt - I think you are right. Well, I am from Moscow.
Dreamer - Cool. Me too :)
Yogurt - Well, I hope now, you won't ask for my address? :D
Dreamer - Of course no, don't worry 😂
Yogurt - Listen, I really liked talking to you even though, that our conversation wasn't very long. Well, I am busy person and I can't be on the internet all the time. But maybe we could talk later? :)
Dreamer - I loved talking to you too :) and I understand you. Well, okay then, write me, when you be free.
Yogurt - Sure. Bye :)
Dreamer - Bye :)
I just smiled to myself. Is it seriously possible? We talked for so short, but it feels, like I know him for so long.. Then my phone ringed. It was my friend Alice...

Okay, so I am waiting for your comments :) if there will be some, I will continue :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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