Out With the Old, In With the New? (Balcony Scene 2.0)

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Each morning my bones pop and crack as I struggle to get out of bed. I'm only 24 yet my joints have already given up on me. It's the same old, same old. I walk downstairs and kiss my mother on the cheek while she has her morning coffee-- two sugars and two creams, just like me. I probably get it from her. Then I eat, shower, and go to work at the cafe down the street. 11-5 shift. Every day except Sundays. I wouldn't say it's boring, but would like a change. I want her to love someone other than me, and I want to to maybe meet someone of my own.

'Morning, mom,' I said as I kissed her on the cheek. She always looked so happy and smiling, despite being all alone.

'Morning, Jaime, I made you some waffles.' Man, was she the best. I don't know what I'd do without her.

'Mom, you are seriously the greatest person alive,' I said, digging into the fluffy stack smothered in butter and syrup. Tell me you made waffles three years back and I would have internally groaned and pushed them around on my plate. I used to not each much. Hardly anything. At first it was just a little weight I wanted to lose, but the only thing I lost was control. She stood by me through my recovery and helped me to be able to eat again. I still don't eat as much as I really should, but I'm still recovering. Anything she makes me I'll eat and she knows I try my hardest. But that doesn't mean I don't feel horrible about my body.

After finishing the waffles and putting my plate in the sink, I headed upstairs. Time to shower for this glorious cafe day. I took off my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror.

'Man, Jaime, you really are gaining it back,' I muttered to myself as I saw the way my collarbones were becoming enveloped by my flesh and how the line of my ribs was virtually gone. But no, this is good, this is better. I've never really been a small kid. I'm not huge, but I feel huge. Everyone says they would kill to have my V line and my jawline and the curve of my back, but just knowing that they notice those things makes me all the more self conscious. And I guess that's where it all began. But that was the past and this is my future. Just get in the shower, Jaime, don't do anything stupid.

After showering, straightening my hair, and getting dressed in my maroon 'Cool Cafe' T-shirt, my black skinny jeans and black vans, I headed out the door. It felt like a nice 21-22 degrees C and I was surprised. This is some good July weather. The cafe was only a short walk from my house, so I got to enjoy all the nice green of the forest peeking out over the side of the houses. Good to rid my mind of all the thoughts I don't want to think. When I got to work, I was instantly greeted by my buddy, Tony. He was one of the strongest people I had in my life, and my only friend.

"Hey, Hime, how are you?" he asked as I walked in the door. I loved this guy. He was so quiet and sweet to everyone around him, yet still I was his only friend as well.

"Hey turtle, I'm okay. How were the breakfast hours?' He started the day at 7 and left around 2.

'Same as they are every day, Jaime.'

'Busy with no one to make the food,' we both said at the same time. He laughed. I loved his laugh. You could always tell he was sad. He was really sad. He could laugh but when you caught him off guard, you could really see how sad his eyes looked. We don't talk about it, but we both know it's because his dad died and his mom has cancer. People look at his gauges and his snakebites and that hair of his and judge him way too easily and I don't like that. I can't blame them though. They aren't the same type of sad that he is.

After many hours of taking orders, cleaning tables, and serving coffee later, I left. But I didn't want to go home just yet. Sometimes, I go to this beautiful waterfall after work to clear my head. Not many people go here, so it's a great place to be alone. Trust me, I come here almost every day. But an unfamiliar person was in my signature spot along the waterfall.

He was so small. And when I say he was small, I mean he looked like a child. His long brown hair was crushed under his backwards snapback, and I wanted to study him before I got any closer. He put his arms out and took a step closer to the edge. He paused for a moment-- I heard him fill his lungs, and took another step. Once again, he took a breath and took a step. His feet were half off the edge by now. You don't think he would jump off? So I took steps toward him.

'I wouldn't do that,' I said calmly, because I still had no idea what was going through that mans head. He seemed to be in a trance like state.

'Do what?' he replied, not turning around to face me. His voice was softer than I expected it to be.

'Hang off the edge like that. You might fall,' I replied, still testing out the waters and stalling in order to get closer to him. But he took a step back turned around to face me. As soon as I saw his face, I smiled. He had a nice nose ring and tanned skin and eyes that I could look into all day. Sad eyes. But still amazing. I couldn't even form words. He was beautiful.

'Oh, have you ever really danced on the edge?' he replied in an almost quirky manner, and started to walk away from me. That was a weird thing to say, and I guess he was never going to jump. He just wanted to know what it felt like to throw it all away, even if it was for a second. I wanted to know this stranger; I had to.

'Wait, I didn't catch your name, I'm Jaime' I said to him. He turned right around to face me with those eyes of his.

'Victor, but if we ever meet again, call me Vic.' As he walked away, I just stood there. Did I just dance on the edge?

I think it sparked something new. I hope to see him again. I always hoped to dream, but I never dreamed of hope.

Ok, I hope you liked this update in Jaime's POV ! please tell me you did bc honestly I just kept typing and let whatever ideas I had flow - kayle :))

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