Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


The truth crystallized as Devon found herself pinned against the second story of the house.
She glanced down to see that they are on the ground. His hard, muscular body pressed against her, holding her in place. But there was no one holding him in place. He stood suspended in midair. No wires or bungee cords.

His usually silver eyes glowed neon blue, as hot and bright as the center of a flame. His lips were pulled back, his fangs gleaming.

This was not happening.

She wasn't seeing this. Feeling this.

Feeling him.

"You are."

The deep timbre of his voice whispered through her head, but his lips didn't move. "You can feel my heart beating in your chest, my blood pumping through your veins."

The truth hit her as she became kneel aware of the double thump in her chest and the rhythm that echoed in her ears. Even more, she could feel the hunger that twisted inside of him, so demanding and fierce that it erased any lingering doubt.

A vampire.

The truth crystallized  and slowly they drifted to the ground until she felt the solid earth beneath her feet.

"We're connected now," he added before he let her go."You drank from me and i drank from you."
Her knees trembled and she braced one hand against the side of the house while the other went to her neck. She felt only smooth skin.

"Vampires don't just feed off of blood." He said the words out loud this time. "We also thirst for energy. Sexual energy. That's why i was in that club in the first place. I hadn't had sex in a couple of days and i was weak. I need to build my strength up before i made the trip here."

"Why?" It was a tame question compared to the ones bombarding her senses, but it was all that popped out as she tried to fully comprehend what he was telling her.

"I'm here to kill the vampire who murdered my family."

"There's a vampire i Skull Creek?" The words came out i a high pitched squeak."Here?"

"Actually, he's out of town for the next five days. But when he gets back, I'll be here. I've waited a long time for this. Too long."

Which meant he was sticking around until then.

The knowledge sent a zing of excitement through her, followed by a rush of uh, oh. One night, she reminded herself, despite the collage of images that rolled through her head.

The two of them naked on her front porch.

The two of them naked on the fifty-yard line.

The two of them naked.

"What else can you do?" she blurted, desperate to distract herself from seductive scenario playing in her head. She glanced at the spot above where he'd had her pinned just seconds ago. "Besides levitating, that is."

"I can move things with my mind, but then you already know that." His words reminded her of the way he'd touched her, stroked her, stirred her without actually making physical contact. "I can also read thoughts and move really fast and hypnotize with my stare."

"Is that what you did to get me into the alley last night?"

His eyes now molten silver, collide with hers. "I didn't have to do anything. You were more than willing on your own." His mouth drew into a tight line, as if wasn't at all pleased about his next words. "You have a very lusty appetite."

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