Chapter 1

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My name is Lilah Parker. I am the third born in my family. I was born on May 17, 2002, and while my mother was giving birth to the brown-haired, blue eyed girl that is me, I almost killed her. Her blood pressure went through the roof, leading her into my birth. When I was born, I was only 4 pounds, since I had come into thks world a little over a month early. I guess there was a lot of stress in my mother's life. At this point, she had had 2 kids already, my brothers Jacob and Brandon, both at the time pretty young.

Fast Forward to when I was 1:

When I was one year old, my parents got divorced. Simple as that. I don't remember them fighting, I don't remember them being together. I barely even knew my father until I was about four or five when he got his life back together. I've never asked either of my parents about what had happened. I do this sk I don't have an opinion on it. I like it much better that way. Along with the separation, my mother gained full custody of my brothers and I, and my father was left with very little. He got to see us on holidays and our birthdays. So basically I had 2 of everything growing up. Now that sounds awesome, right? Actually, it made me dread the holidays. The sum of it all just quickly became unbearable. Kind of like eating the same meals every single day for a month. I don't know if that comparison makes sense but it is what it is.
When I was four, a few big changes occured. First off, I started preschool (and hated every second of it), but also, my father met his new wife Sharon. I didn't hate her, I was just shy and didn't really say much around her. Let's just say it took a long time before I was finally comfortable around her. And that's not a bad thing, per say, I am typically like that around most people.

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