Lets Begin!

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Coming from a normal middle class family, there are a lot of things that happen daily. And these things somehow teach some of the very important lessons of life.

The day began normal. I woke up to go to school and the daily chaos of running everywhere to find all my school essentials began along with my mom running behind me to make me eat some breakfast. Finally after all that I started my rush to reach school as early so that I can get my favourite seat. Everything felt very normal except this old lady smiling at me near my building. She had a walking stick in her hand which made it very clear that she was probably having her daily morning walk but her smiling at me was unusual. I did saw this lady everyday while she walked her way up and down near my building..But this time she stopped and smiled at me. I felt weird at first but something in that innocent smile made me want to smile back to her, and I did. The rest of the day went normal.

Next morning too I saw the old lady and we shared smiles. Soon this became a routine. And it started making my days get happier, smiling back at her brightened her eyes which made my day a bit more happier, every time.

Months passed by but this little routine did not change. Same time, same place, same gesture but a bit more special each day. But then there was this morning when I did not see her. I tried to look here and then but the old lady and that precious smile was no where to be seen. Since I was getting late for school I had to leave from there. 

And I never saw her again.

This old lady was no one close to me. But smiling at her on the way to school made me smile all day, her bright eyes made me happier. I don't know where she is, but now, where ever I go, I don't forget to smile. Maybe that was her role in my life..To teach me to be a bit more happier each day, to smile more each day.

 What I'm trying to say is, no matter how busy you are in your life, never forget to smile. Smiling at someone might totally change a person's day. This was one of the little beautiful things of life, I hope after this, you..yes YOU, always keep smiling and spreading smiles. 

Little BlessingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang