Love Bites Back

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Chapter 1

Love Bites Back

                “Hello, love” he whispered… his cold skin and sweet musk filled me. Oh what I would give to have him, fully. I smiled to myself and brought his face to mine, pressing him to me. I breathed him in embracing him, curling my fingers through his perfectly bronze hair. He pulled away too soon (as usual). I pouted and he twisted a smile,

“Would you quit doing that?” I said with a smirk


“Enjoying teasing me, why can’t you be reasonable?”

“Bella, I can’t… you know that. I’d hurt you.”

“We’ve been together for a year and a half, just change me.”

“Bella not this again, I told yo-”

“GOOD MORNING BELLA!!” I heard Alice yell from the first floor of my house. Before I could respond she was on my bed pulling me into a hug, grinning wildly.

“Guess what?” she said, unable to keep still her pixie hair bouncing along with her.

“What Alice?” I said

“We have visitors!”

“Who is it?” Edward said, nervous

“Just some friends from Alaska… Edward you remember Tanya?”

His eyes widened in shock and disbelief, and then I remembered. He told me about her, a strawberry blonde I believe… he said something else, I just can’t remember. I don’t see what the big deal is.

“Why?!” he said finally.

“Carlisle has some business to attend to with her father, what is it Eddie?”

“It’s nothing. Why wasn’t I notified earlier?”

“They just decided to come earlier.”

Why would a group of rich vampires come to Forks, one of the poorest cities in the U.S.?  And why is Edward so upset at that?

“Bella, go get dressed in these. Then we’ll head over so you can meet them.” She said handing me a pile of neatly folded clothes. I took a quick shower, washing my hair (just in case I still smelled like Jacob from yesterday). I unfolded the clothes and sighed, Alice couldn’t have picked out some pants? It was a baby blue v-neck t-shirt with lace, paired with a white mini skirt. Sometimes I wonder why I let her treat me like a life-size Barbie, but what does it matter? At least Edward enjoys them.

 Walked out of the bathroom trying to hide my legs (to no avail, I might add) and Edward smiled.

“You should let me pick out your clothes all the time Bella,” Alice said.

“I think I’ll stick to my regular wardrobe,” I said with a smile.

“Well I think you look great either way,” Edward whispered kissing my temple lightly.

“Eddie, you can compliment my style later but we have to go now” he rolled his eyes and rose from my bed. We climbed into Alice’s yellow Porsche and we were at the Cullen house in no time.

The house was so airy; it was refreshing compared to my cramped room.

“Bella, how are you?” I heard Esmee say.


“I trust you haven’t eaten?”

“Oh sorry- I forgot to before I left home.”

“Great! Come on in, I made snacks. Plus there are some people you should meet.”

“She’s been going to cooking classes,” Edward said with a twisted smirk.

We stepped inside and Carlisle was standing with a man about six feet tall with blonde hair similar to his. His features were stiff, like a sculpture. With the same pale skin, but his irises weren’t quite golden brown, they were orange. His eyes burned through me, making me clutch to Edward. Edward stiffened beside me … there she was. Tanya, she was gorgeous; though she looks bitchier than Rosalie. She was strawberry-blonde; her curls were flowing down to her waist, her eyes were orange like her father’s. She scowled at me, but once she caught sight of Edward she perked up, a grin from ear to ear.

“Hi Eddie!” she said in a shrill voice.

“Tanya, good to see you again,” he said dully.

“Don’t be so formal, come give me a hug!” she ran over to him, enclosing him in her embrace. He pushed her back gently. She frowned, “What’s wrong?” Carlisle cleared his throat.

“Edward maybe you should introduce your guest,” he said eyeing me.

“Tanya, this is Bella, the love of my life.” I blushed as he kissed my temple.

“When did this happen?” she said looking me up and down.

“Just over a year ago,”

“Nice to meet you,” I said reaching my hand toward her. She turned away in disgust, back to Edward. She clung to him, like he belonged to her. He made no attempt to get her off, so I went up to his room with Alice.

“What’s her problem?” I said, suddenly infuriated.

“She‘s been like this forever, literally.”

“When did this start?”

“It’s been happening for as long as I can remember. Since Carlisle first found me. She clung to Edward, flirting and batting her eyes to get his attention. He never really noticed until you came around. Probably ‘cause I told him that if she jeopardizes you becoming my sister, I’d hurt her.”

“Why doesn’t he tell her to beat it?”

“I don’t know, but I can find out. Don’t worry Bella, it’ll sort itself out.” She skipped out of the room. I popped one of Edward’s Beethoven CD’s into the player and lay on the couch.

“So, it’s Bella right?” I heard Tanya’s voice in the doorway; I spun around to face her


“Yes, dear…listen well, because I’ll only say this once. Stay away from Edward, he’s with me now.”


“Apparently Edward is dating an idiot, but I’ll repeat. Stay away from him! He’s mine, but don’t worry it’s for the best.”

“Why should I listen to you?”

“Because, if you don’t there’ll be some serious consequences. And Eddie won’t even miss you!”

“You don’t scare me!”

“We’ll see…” she flaunted out the door, and Edward strolled in.

“How did you like meeting Tanya? Pleasant isn’t she?” he said with sarcasm filling him to the brim.

“She likes you.”

“Yeah, but who cares?”

“I do, why didn’t you say something?”

“I didn’t want you to worry about it.”

“Well you’re doing a fantastic job of it, Edward”

“Why does it even matter? I’m with you, period.” He pulled me close to him,

“I just don’t like the way she tries to own you,”

“You don’t have to worry, she and you are no competition.” He kissed me, but I knew he was right.

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