Noah sighs heavily as we walk down the long stair case. "Honestly" he pauses. "I don't know."

I nod but don't say anything, I'm worried if I talk I might cry. I've never been this scared of anything before.

"All I know is that he loves you, a lot. Yes, maybe he doesn't think he'd be a good Dad, but I think once he has time to process it he'll be fine. Especially since it's you, you mean the world to him."

"Thanks Noah" I whisper when he pulls me in briefly for a tight hug. He smiles slightly and glances at the front door I know Xavier will be standing outside of.

"Good luck, we'll always be here - for all three of you."

I swallow, breathing in as much air as I possibly can before I pull the door open.

Xavier stands there, a single red rose between his fingers as his eyes openly wonder across my body. My eyes quickly do the same to him. How he can always look so effortlessly perfect will always amaze me.

I feel incredibly insecure, not only because of this dress which is different to my usual style, but because some stupid part of my brain feels like I have I'm pregnant written across my face and he's going to lose it at any second.

"Wow" he breathes, the smile he sends me almost calms my nerves for a few seconds. "You look.... so beautiful." His fingers extend the flower to me and I thank him quietly, doing my best to muster the most believable smile I can pull together.

"Ready?" I nod, slipping my much thinner fingers through his as he leads us towards his Range Rover. I have to swallow multiple times before I'm able to speak.

"What made you decide to do this?" He looks at me as he opens my passenger door. "Dinner, I mean."

He shrugs, an adorable smile making its way to his lips. "I feel like I've been to busy to spend any time with you lately. This is kind of my way of making up for it."

"You don't have to make it up to me, I know you get busy" I watch him as he effortlessly climbs into the large vehicle. He starts the engine as I twiddle my fingers nervously. "Thank you for doing this though."

"You don't have to thank me for taking you to dinner" he shakes his head lightly, the smile still on his lips as he looks across at me. "You really do look beautiful Grace."

"Thank you" I whisper. I try my best to sound normal as he turns the stereo up quietly for background noise and places his hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently.

The ride is silent except for the radio, not an awkward silence just a comfortable one. Well, comfortable for him maybe.

My eyes stare at his tattooed hand on my thigh the entire time. His thumb rubs small circles into my skin as he drives. I desperately want to break down and cry, tell him everything and then have him wrap his arms around me, tell me everything will be okay but I'm scared it'll be opposite. I'm terrified.

We pull up to a fancy yet cozy looking restaurant with a few people bustling around outside. "I've heard it's good" Xavier says, looking at me as he does. "But if you want to go somewhere else we can?"

"No, no here is great" I answer, the last thing I care about right now is eating.

He seems relieved as he climbs out of the car and I follow him, not missing the way the few women walking past openly look him up and down.

Dangerous LifeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя