Namond's dream

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In the city state of Kingslond there lived a high-school bound boy named Namond. Namond had a small group of friends and lived in a small three bedroom flat just thirty minutes away from the middle school he went to a few months back. Tomorrow is August 19th a very special day for Namond.

To Namond something was different about tonight. He felt more tired than usual as if he were dragging thick metal chains around all day. So he goes to sleep early and in the middle of the night finds himself watching his own birth! Namond woke up screaming in terror. Janice rushes to Namond's room to see him crying and uncontrollably shaking , not knowing how to deal with the situation at hand , says in a gentle voice " Namond what's the matter ? ". Namond calms down enough to tell her " I saw my birth , and I was there when it happened." Janice cluelessly asks, " What do you mean you watched it happen and you were there when it did?" Namond now all the way calm but still devastated says " It was like I was there watching but also being born at the same time." Janice was completely speechless she knew then that something about her brother wasn't exactly the same anymore.

Janice woke up early the next morning with Namond by her side not wanting to leave his side after last night's episode. Janice quickly rushes to the kitchen where she sees her dad drinking coffee and reading the newspaper as a part of his morning routine before work. Greeting her father she immediately sat down and explained the events that took place the night before. Her father didn't want to believe it at first but the fear in Janice's eyes told him that she was telling the truth. Her father worried about his son says " Keep an eye on him until your mother wakes up and then tell her what you told me." Janice knew to do as she was told and she did, but to put priorities first she made sure Namond was fed and dressed because today is his birthday the same day he saw in his dream but 13 years earlier when he was nothing but a newborn.

Before I continue just to you let you know Namond is OK now. His body is just a little weak from last night . Honestly he tensed up a little too much when it happened. Janice is not only devastated but dog tired because half of her night was filled with caressing her brother and bringing him water. To me Janice is the ideal sister.

After making sure Namond was ready for the day ahead, she did as her father told her she waited until her mother was fully awake and repeated the same thing she said to her father a few hours ago. Her mother was completely speechless for the first five minutes trying to take in everything that was explained to her, then she called Namond from his room and asked " Is it true you saw your birth .... like you were there?". Namond answers blankly, " Yes it's very true" even the thought of it made him tear up nevertheless he ran to his mother and hugged her. This was no ordinary hug it was a hug that felt as if he was clinging on to her for dear life, this gave his mother no choice but to believe him.

Now that Namond is somewhat over what he went through last night the day ahead can now start for him. At his party that afternoon everyone came happy to see him like they should be and everything went according to plan. Then something happened that evening, Namond was reading a new book he got for his birthday and ended up in a Cherokee village that had been there in the place of Kingslond about 150 years before. At first Namond was scared but he met a 13 year old girl by the Mary Lou she had told him not to be afraid and she would help him get home. As soon as she said the word home he immediately thought about and traveled to his room.

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