Life Changer

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I remember the night my mom and dad got into their big fight. It was the same night that the first zombie got through our "safe zone". "Zombies can't climb" they said, well let me tell you, they sure as shit can. Dad was yelling about something or the other, mom got angry and stormed out, next thing you know, alarms are blaring and mom runs back in looking pale as a ghost. She ran to the mirror and all I could hear her say was "god damnit! He touched me". When the initial outbreak began it started as any movie would, with the form of zombies we like to call Rotters. Rotters are your typical brain eating, slow walking, flesh melting, dead brained zombies. They were terrifying. Nobody ever wants to be a Rotter. As the virus mutated our government worked diligently and distributed a serum that helped fight off most of the symptoms permanently. It worked for most, and now when you get sick instead of instantly becoming a Rotter you go through three stages. "Stage one: Infected." At this stage you can notice a change in complexion, attitude, you get super gross cravings, and people tend to avoid you. This stage can last anywhere from three hours to three years. You want this stage to last as long as it can. It all depends on how your body reacts to the serum. Next is "Stage Two: Lame Brained" at this stage people start to forget them selves. They forget who they are, where they are, pretty much anything that defines a person. The telling signs of stage two are darkening of the skin, rotting teeth, and forgetfulness. This is another stage you want to last as long as possible. Once you cross over into the third and final stage it is game over. "Stage three: The rot" is something nobody wants to go through. Not only do you die, but there's also the chance you may hurt someone important to you, and nobody wants that. At stages one and two there is still a chance that the government may be able to cure you. After that, there is no hope. For me, when my mom walked through the door all peace and security went out. My town was known for their "NO exceptions" rule. They labeled us a completely zombie free zone. We were a neighborhood filled with snobby rich people who feared there own shadows. They didn't want to risk their own safety until the government had a cure promised to the public. My dad and I took it to council. He was a board member, second in charge, my mom third. They were the"it" couple and I the infamous "it" couples creation. When council then changed their rule to use her as a social experiment, my life was over. Cameras, logs, tests. It got to be annoying. Add to the list the fact that I couldn't touch her and it really made me wish that fight had never happened. My mom and I were really close, and I began to resent my dad for the thing that my mom has become. My mom says to take it easy on him because he was taking hard. "Not being able to touch, kiss, or even sleep in the same bed as some you've been married to for twenty years is hard" she says. Sucks to be him. He deserves the pain that he feels. It's his fault after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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