~part twelve~ The Café

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I asked Mr. DeCox if I could sit here because I don't want to sit with Harry. How awkward would that be, right?" ahhh this just got awkward.

"Right. Well sit down new partner!" He gave me a cheeky smile and I swear to god that smile with kill me one day cause his dimples show and ahhh!!!!!

Any who, I continued on with my classes and they were boring of course except Austin makes them so much more interesting. It was lunch now and we sat at a different table because I'm still trying to avoid you know who. But you know who doesn't seem to get the picture because he keeps looking at me and smiles. I want to smile back but I can't, it would make me look weak.

"Hey Kenzie do you wanna hangout after school?"

"What?.....oh sure, yeah." Idiot!

"Are you okay?" No.

"Yeah I'm fine but Harry's not making any of this easier because he keeps looking at me and smiling."

"Do you want me to go and ask him to stop?"

"No, I don't want you to get in any trouble." And I mean end up being in a fight. "So where do you wanna hangout at?"

"Oh, I was thinking of taking you to this new café." Café?

"Sure, that sounds cool. Plus I could use a cup of coffee."

"Can we meet at my house cause I have to do something after school?"

"Sure." Where does he live?

"You don't know where I live huh?"

"Nope, we've only been friends for like a day so, no." Duh Austin.


It was after school now and I was on my way to Austin's house and let me just say he lives in a pretty nice community, even better than mine and were wealthy too.

I put the car in park and walked up his drive way to his amazing two story house. I knocked and waited for a minute or two and finally the door opened.

"Hi Aus.....Cameron! Hey!"

"Hi Makenzie! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to hangout with Austin. Did he not tell you?"

"He didn't say it was you that he was hanging out with, he just said a girl was coming over." A girl? Why couldn't he just tell him it was me.


"Well do you wanna come in?"

"Sure, thanks." I went inside his house and I swear I stopped breathing. It was like walking into a millionaires home. It was magnificent! "Wow! Your house is amazing!"

"Thanks. Wanna tour of the house cause Austin's not done yet with everything." Yay a tour!!


We had finally got done with the tour after about 15 minutes. God damn he has a big house!!

We were just standing there when I heard Cameron speak up breaking the silence. "Makenzie?"


"Umm, I know you just broke up with your boyfriend and all but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date with me sometime." Really Cameron?

"Umm that's really sweet but I can't right now, I still need to get things straightened out with him. Maybe some other time Cam." I smiled apologetically and he looked so sad and had a face full of rejection. Poor kid.

"I understand. Have as much time as you need."


"Hey! Your here! Ready to go?" Fuck he scared the shit out of me!!

"Austin! You scared the living hell out of me!"

"Oh. I didn't mean to, sorry." He smiled that amazing smile. "So, I see that you've met my brother, Cameron?"

"Yeah. We actually met earlier today at school." Since you never told me about him.....

"Oh awesome." He looked really uncomfortable when he said that and then looked at his watch and said,"Well would you look at the time, are you ready Kenzie?"

"Yeah. Well bye Cameron! I'll see you tomorrow and I'll think about that offer." I winked at him and then walked out the front door and headed towards Austin's car. His car was even better then mine, he drives a Ferrari! I fucking hate him!

I heard the door close to his house and watched him walk towards me and opened the passenger door so I could get in, what a gentleman.

We had been driving for about ten minutes now and finally got to a cute little café. We got out of his car and entered. Mmmm...the coffee aroma smells so good and was so strong smelling, just the way I like it.

We went and ordered our drinks and found a table to sit at while we waited. We finally got our drinks about five minutes later and started talking and drinking our drinks when you know who walked surprisingly through the door, but he wasn't alone, he was accompanied by a very attractive girl. You know who being, Harry......

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