~Part two~

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"Hey Mak!" That's the nickname my sister calls me instead of "Kenzie" but I like it because it's different.

"Hey, Fecia, hi guys, and hello sexy!" He loves it when I call him sexy.

A brief couple of seconds later I find my lips connected to a pair of soft lips. But then I hear a fake clearing of the throat which probably came from my sister, so I stop smooching because I know that she doesn't like it when I kiss in front of her.

I then hear the bell ring for first period, which for me is boring as hell science. Fml!! But at least I have it with Brooke which makes it a little more exciting, also because earlier this year we pulled a trick on the teacher and that's what really brought me to be popular in this school and earned my reputation of being, somewhat of a bitch.

I was caught off guard from a buzz coming from my back pocket, signaling that I had received a text.

From: Mom

Sweetie can you please come home after school, me and your father need to talk to you about something. And make sure your sister comes home too. Love you!

To: Mom

Yes we'll be there. Love you too!!


It was now the end of the school day and time to go home. I hopped into my car and turned on the stereo to a familiar song on a CD, which was sung by me. It was me and the band that I had, it was named Forever Young. Me and my co-singer had thought off it and also ran it by the other band members as well, but really didn't care what they thought about it.


I soon arrived at my house and saw that my sister was already home. I made my way to the front door letting myself in and yelling, "I'm home!!!"

I was shocked by my mother being just right there and saying, "Hello sweetie, I'm right here no need to yell."

"Sorry mom." I literally thought I had a heart attack though because she scared the shit out of me.

"Well what did you need to talk about?"

"Right ummm, it's more like what do you and your sister need to talk about with your father."

"What do you mean, just dad?" I was so confused at this point.

"Just go talk to your father he's in the living room." I then walked into our gigantic living room spotting my dad standing there with a look of sadness on his face.

"So dad, what do we need to talk about?"

"Sweetie I'm so sorry but were gonna have to move in two days to a city named Weston."

"WHAT!!" I was then screaming because of the shocking news. My life is literally over, I'm going to have no life and no friends in Weston. "Why do we have to move?"

"Because both your mother and I are having our jobs being moved there for something like a promotion and we-"

"A promotion?" I then cut off my dad to ask what they could be getting a promotion on in their jobs.

"Yes Makenzie, a promotion and I'm sorry but you'll just have to deal with it and suck it up if you don't like it there. You better start packing."

"God, I hate you dad! Also because its my senior year and I won't be able to graduate from here!! Are you honestly trying to ruin my life!?!?" I was then annoyed to a point that I couldn't explain, so I just stormed off into my room and cried because I knew my life was gonna suck. Goodbye Woodsburry, and I guess hello Weston!!



Sorry for the short chapters but I just started writing and this is my first story, so sorry if its kinda lame.

But comment what you think!! :)

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