~part eight~ revealing of the secrets

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*ding *dong

Oh!! Harry's here!! Yeah, I'm actually really happy to see him....

I opened the door revealing a very handsome young man, Harry.

"Hey Haz!!"

"Hi love!" He then kissed me, lips connected and on going. What are we doing my mother is home. Oh well but then I hear the creak of the top step of the stairs, signaling that my mother was now making her way down.

"Sweetie who is this young man?"

"Hello ma'am, I'm Harry I go to school with your daughters." He slowly walks towards her with his hand sticking out for her to shake.

"Oh well it's very nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Redmon, but please call me Nancy."

"Well it is very nice to meet you as we'll Nancy." Man is he a gentlemen.

"Well Makenzie I have to go to the supermarket so I'll see you kids later then. Have fun!"

"Ok mom!! Bye." Yay she's gone. "Come here Styles."

"What for?"

"For a real kiss dummy...."

"Oh ok!!" We were now making out in my room in a matter of minutes. Things were getting pretty heated though, but F.I.S.H. haha.

I then realized that Harry was now unbuttoning my shirt with one hand and the other in my hair. Harry was also straddling me with his amazing muscular body. Sweet Jesus this kid is fine. But this is a little to soon. "Haz? What are you doing?'

"Makenzie I want to make love to you please. I love you so much."

"Harry I'm not ready yet. I mean I love you a lot but I can't, not with Ryan being in the picture."

"Then I can wait. I'll wait till the end of the world for you. Just let me be the first one. Would I be the first?" Great now he's asking virginity questions.

"Harry it's so embarrassing though...."

"It's okay. Just tell me."

"I'm a....virgin."

"Really?! That's great!"


"I mean that's great that your a virgin because I am too!!"

"You are?"

"Yeah! Makenzie will you promise me that I'll be your first?"

"I promise Harry!! And will you promise that I'll be your first?"

"Yes I promise!! Oh my god! I love you so much Kenzie!" It's great knowing he's a virgin too now I don't feel so left out.

I then heard my ringtone Safe & Sound going off. Great Ryan's calling. "Hello?"

"Hey Makenzie. I have a surprise."

"What's the surprise?"

"I'm here at your front door."

"Wait. What?"

"I'm here early because I really need to talk to you. Come let me in."

"Yeah ok. I'll be right there." Shit Ryan's here. Great.

"Who was that?"

"Ummmm Harry, Ryan is here."


"Shhhh....yes he's here and he's at my front door and I have to go open it though right now."

"Well what am I suppose to do I'm in your room?"

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