Chapter 1: breaking out?

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Morey's P.o.v:

Ever since we were defeated by grojband we were banned into some jail in Trina's mind "oh how much I want revenge on Grojband!!" I yelled. "Ugh morey just stop yelling it's getting on my nerves...." Maney said. "But maney.. You know I am your boss right" I said. "Yeah yeah but if you wanna get revenge on grojband I got a plan" maney said as she smirked. "What is it?" I asked. "We somehow need to get into Corey's mind and mess him up" maney said. "That could actually work..." I said as I thought about it. "But how would we get out of this jail thing" I asked. "Well...." Maney said as she opened a random door man maney was so smart and cute.... We all hopped out the door and then we summoned our rides, maney got her golden tiger Esmeralda,  I got my dirtbike, mon got his flying drumset, and min just floated in the air "mirageband lets get our revenge.." I said as I did an evil laugh. "Min can you make a machine to take us to Corey's mind? AND IT BETTER WORK!!!" Maney growled at kin. "Y-y-yes maney" min stuttered. "Morey I wanna destroy something already" mon complained. "Really..." Maney said. "Anyways we need to get down to business, we need a place to hide where will we go?" I asked. "Make our own garage then" maney said. "Okay I guess so min would you mind?" I asked. "Yes morey..." Min  said as he tapped his keyboard keys. Beams shot a random piece of land and then our own garage appeared  "wonderful..." I said. We all made our rides disappear and walked inside kin started working away on his machine  "wait till grojband gets a load of us.." I said. "Ooooh yeah..." Maney replied. Man I wish she would like me she is just so cute sometimes "hey maney?" I asked. "Yes morey?" She replied. "Want a ride on my dirtbike?" I asked her. "Nah.. Don't feel like it" maney said as she walked away. "Ooh you just got rejected..." Mon said. "SHUT IT MON!!" I yelled as I smacked him upside the head. "Ouch..." Mon whined. "Min is the machine ready yet?" I asked. "Almost..... And ready" he said as he pulled out a platform. "Just step on it" min said. We all stepped on it and disappeared

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