Come Home With Me, Leave Him!

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Im probably not going to do pov's for this story anymore. Its mostly in yours anyway cause ya know. You da star....

Its been a month. A month since you split, since you found out. He barged into Delirious's house one day as you were sleeping on the couch. You felt him tower over your sleeping body as he kissed you softly on the neck. He whispered something you would never forget. "I still and will always love you. Even if you moved on, no matter how many people I've been with, you and I will always love each other. Remember that y/n." You woke up after that and he just looked at you. You looked back at him with tears in your eyes. You don't know if you want to punch him or hug him. You missed him so much, but you and Delirious live together and his rules are "No Evans allowed." Vanoss pulled you in for a hug and snuck a kiss. You wept onto him punching him over and over not forgetting the scene that happened. He just let you hit him and squeezed you in a hug. "I'm going to go upstairs and look for something. Stay here." he commanded and kissed you once more. You missed his gentleness. After 2 minutes you heard yelling. 'Oh shit him and Delirious are at it....' You ran upstairs to see Evan and Delirious face to face arguing. What made it worse? It was about who can have you. You grabbed the nearest loud thing you could find. You threw a vase between them so they could shut up. They stopped and looked over at you. You were serious now. Dried tears on your face, bloodshot eyes, and scars. Evan looked you up and down and ran towards you. You backed away and looked at them both with fresh salty tears pouring out your eyes. "What the actual fuck?! Why do you two act like animals?? Why can't you fucking just let things be? You know what, fuck it. I'll be the adult here and I'll fucking go. And this time don't follow me." You grabbed your suitcase and dashed to your truck, A blue jeep 2016 limited edition. You threw your suitcase in the back and saw something else slide in. You ignored it and got in the drivers seat and dashed off. You drove all the way to your old house (in wherever country or state you beautiful people live in) and knocked. You gave this house to your best friend /maid of honor when she had no where to go. You were roommates for 2 1/2 years then you met Evan after the first year. " B/f/n open up!!! I need somewhere to stay for a few nights." She opened the door and pulled you in quickly. "What did he do? I will murder him right now!!!!!" You ran to her/your couch and laid down with a pillow in your face screaming. You felt a body next to yours and saw her sit down with ice cream cookies and cake. "So Supernatural or American Horror Story? You looked up and pointed at Supernatural. "Listen y/n I know its tough hun, but you gotta let em go. You both heard a knock on the door and she went to get it. "No I haven't seen her around. The fuck you want to do with her?" you just crept behind her and saw Evan and Delirious. One of them spotted you and yelled "Y/N!! PLEASE COME BACK! WE NEED YOU!" You ran to your old room and hid. About 10 minutes later with Delirious yelling at your best friend you heard something open. 'The front door....' You peeked out your room to see a manly figure standing centimeters away from the door. You tried to close it but he easily held it open without struggle. "Baby listen, just come back with me. I can treat you better than I did before." You pushed him making you slip fall over onto him. He caught you and made you look at him. You looked away trying not to fall under his charming saddening spell of sorrow and love. "We can be together. As a family. Have a few kids, go on vacation-" "And have you cheat on me? Yea no thanks Evan but I don't believe in fairytales after the twisted shit you pulled. Not everyone's fututre can come with a happy ending pack." He sat me down on the bed and got on his knees basically begging. "I will never hurt you ever again. Please baby. I need you. You can either pick me or Delirious." Now you are pissed. "Let's see my choices here. A lying, cheating, buff, fuccboi, or a nice, providing, crazy, motherfucker? Wait how about I go live on the streets cause I'd rather die being fucking poor and hungry than ever be with you!" You walked out and ran into the bathroom locking it. What you were going to do was unspeakable. But Evan knew, Maybe Delirious too. (Lol it rhymed...)

Yayyyyyy the parts over!!!! Sorry its angst...
Angst- basically depressing... Well thus isnt depressing yet so heads up 😊

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