Chapter 5:Joffery

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*Kalani's POV*
No. No way. I can't believe this.

"Is this even real?" I asked Gia.

"Yep. Congratulations Kalani. This is a big deal," Gia said.

"Thank you. Yes, I know it's a big deal," I said.

I got in my car and called The Joffery Ballet and made arrangements. It's August right now so I have time. I'm so excited.


Today is my last competition with this team.I have a solo called We'll be the stars. I'm excited for it. I go backstage for my solo.

"This is gonna be a solid solo onstage today," Nia said.

I smiled.

"Please welcome to the stage, act number 35, this is Kalani with We'll be the stars," .

My solo felt amazing. The group dance went well. After the group dance, we went back to our dressing room.

" I just want to say thank you to all you guys that have made these 4 years of my life amazing. I'm gonna miss all of you, " I said.

At awards, my solo placed first in the teen division and first overall. The mini group dance placed first in the mini division and our group placed first in the teen division and 1st overall.

Tomorrow is my first day at Joffery Ballet, and I'm really nervous. I call Nia.

"Hello," Nia said.

"Hi, it's Kalani," I said.

"What's up?" Nia asked.

"I'm nervous about tomorrow," I said.

" You are going to be great, " Nia assured me.

"Thanks," I said.

"Anytime. I've gotta go. Bye," Nia said.

"Bye," I said.


The next day I had to be at the dorm at 9am. I was there at 8:45am with all my stuff. A girl who looked to be about 18 approached me.

"Are you Kalani Hilliker? " she asked.

"Yes," I said.

"I'm Ceanna. I was instructed to show you around," she said.

"Alright. Thank you. What are we waiting for? Let's go," I said.

"Ashley is going to like you," Ceanna said.

"Who's Ashley?" I asked.

"The artistic director," Ceanna said.

"So this that we are standing on front of is the dorms. I'll show you to your dorm at the end. This is the...," Ceanna continued the tour until we ended up back at my dorm.

I got her my phone number and she sent me a map of the place. It was 9:45am after I got settled after my tour. I had 15 minutes until company class started. I stood in the doorway to the studio. I put my shoulders back, my tummy in and a pleasant expression on my face. Here we go. I met up with Ceanna and we warmed up before a ballet master started class. For once in my life, I'm happy I danced for Abby. Some of the other apprentices seemed thrown off by his strictness, but for me it was a walk in the park. Abby did train us for this. After company class, we had rehersal until 12pm. At lunch break, a guy approached me.

" I watched you today in company class. You're really good, " he said.

"Thank you. What's your name?" I asked.

"Hudson. What's yours?" Hudson asked.

"Kalani. Kalani Hilliker," I said.

"Are you from a TV show? Like a dance TV show?" Hudson asked.

"Yeah, I was on Dance Moms since I was 14. I just left to come here," I said.

"Cool. My little sister watches that show. She's 12. Do you think you could take a picture with me? Like to send to her?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

We took a picture.

"Do you a phone number you could give me?" I asked.

"Sure," he said.

He put his number in my phone.

"Thanks," I said, blushing.

Wait, do I have a crush?


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