"Promise that you won't freak out,"

She narrowed her gaze sharply at me and asked, "Did you mess with the police? Swara we just got out of the huge problem, please don't tell me you did something wrong again,"

"No, I..I kinda confessed my feelings for Sanskaar and I might have kissed him," I said to her sheepishly as I looked back at the ground. What is wrong with me? Why am I shy? What are you doing to me Sanskaar?

"Grea- Wait WHAT?" She fliched as she shook my shoulders and screamed at me like the whole building was on fire. I wouldn't blame her, if you told me a month ago that I would fall in love with Sanskaar, I probably would have laughed my head off.


"Look he started it first and I kinda went with the flow, stop overreacting and acting like dadi with all your petty talks," I sluggishly said.

"I can't believe, my sister, Swara Gadodia decided to admit her feeling. Aww...is my sister finally in love,"

"Maybe, maybe not,"

"What now?" she asked me confused and surprised as I narrated to her the whole incident.



With a huge grin on my face, I left to my room. She was some kind of a medicine on me, treating my wound effortlessly, how did she do that? Is that what love is?

"Why are you smiling so much? Your cheeks might burst open," Laksh commented as I admired myself in the mirror.

"Is there any problem if I smile too?" I asked him irritated to core.

"Not at all, just don't smile so much that Swara will become a widow before even getting married," he snickered at me sharply with a smirk.

So he knew, "Wait, how did you know?"

"I saw her concern for you," he replied with a shrug.

"Where are they?" I asked him confused as I eyed the empty bed.

"Already eager to meet her huh? I booked 2 rooms, one of them and one for us," he taunted me.

"Great, finally, some privacy," I mumbled as I collapsed on the bed.

"What? Don't you want to meet her?" Laksh asked me confused.

Of course I do idiot, but as if I am going to admit it.

"I know you do, they are in the room next to her, ask Ragini to come with you for lunch," I snickered at him as I saw his pale face.

"How did you know?" he asked me with awe.

"I saw the concern in your eyes," I narrated his lines back to himself.

"That's impossible, you don't read eyes," he blurted out nonchalantly.

"Neither do you," I said implying from before.

"Fine, I heard you both talking to each other," he admitted sheepishly.

"And may I know why you were eavesdropping?" I snapped coldly at him.

"Uhh..Ragini dragged me," he said to me with innocent eyes, asking me to believe him but I knew better.



"Laksh dragged me into this," I told the angry Swara who was flashing me death glares as I told her that I heard their conversation.

Swaragini- A Modern Tale of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now