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hello, some of you guys may know me from my poetry books, i haven't written very many fictional stories before but i have so many ideas that I just can't let go to waste. no, i am definitely not an experienced writer, so please don't expect that, but i would love to be. i have come to terms with the fact that it's probably not going to be very good at the start, but even if i am never a best selling author, i am better than I was when i started. i am so tired of deleting my work because i feel it's not good enough or that others have used a similar premise in a better way. i am really passionate about writing and i will not let my anxiety and fear of people not liking it get in the way of putting all these ideas i have on paper. i was reading a book recently and i was just absorbed in the writers words and characters and metaphors and i don't get that feeling very often. i want to do that for people, even if it's not with this book. grammar mistakes and plot holes are inevitable, i am not saying this will be perfect, but it is a start.

i was reading an article earlier today, i can send anybody the link who's interested, and it said that writers block is 99% fear, and i had never thought about it like that. it's not all about lack of ideas, it's about fear of response, failure, and overall just a shortage of self confidence. so maybe i don't need to be proud of everything i write, but i should really give myself chance. i believe that most of my self-consciousness comes from not taking opportunities and letting myself believe that just because i see  talent in others, i won't be able to ever be proud of myself. i may not have that much confidence in my writing, but i was looking back at my old poetry the other day and i know that i have gotten better from criticism and experience.

this book is for both my past self and writers who haven't realized this yet.

i am so excited to get back into the swing of writing fiction, hopefully you'll stick around for the ride.

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