Chapter Twenty: We Are A Family......Almost

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"Are you sure you can't come?" I asked him as he was getting dressed.

"I'm sorry baby, I can't cancel now even if I wanted to." I sighed.

"OK then I guess I'll see you when it's over."

"OK." He kissed me, and the babies goodbye then he was gone. I called up the guys and off I was to the park....


I was on my way to this girl's house for her party. I sighed. I really didn't wanna do this but I didn't wanna ruin her party by not showing up. I knocked on her door but it was opened by Jane.

"Chresanto your here!" She cried. "Look yall I told you I'd get him."

"Ooooo your even cuter in person." Said on of her friends. I blushed at that. It was true, people don't get my good side in pictures.

"So let's get the party started ladies!" I shouted getting them all turned up.


The party was awesome! the music was bumping and people dancing and I was doing one of my new hit single 'Party House' after my little concert, I whipped out my phone to call Jacob and see how he was doing but Jane popped up in my face.



" you have a girlfriend?"

"No, actually I-"

"So your single?????" She asked. "I can be your girlfriend!" She tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.

"Look...I'm gay."

"What?" She gasped.

"Yeah, everyone knows that, i have a fiancee and I have two new born baby twins."

"O-Oh...." Jane looked sad. Sorry but I'm not into girls.

"Sorry you are pretty in all, but your not my type."

"OK fine fine....that's great I'm happy for you..." She walked away from me without another word. Eh, not my problem.


I was upset that he's gay. I really thought I had a chance......but I will get way or another..


I was at the park with the guys sitting out at the park chatting.

"Really? he just when to some chicks house today?" Asked Shey. I nodded.

"I thought he wanted to be out here with me and the kids, but I guess work comes first now."

"Bastard." Marcus spat.

"Chres is wrong for this," Breanna said. "I mean, so what if it's some girl's party and you didn't't wanna make her upset. I'll make her cry if I have to."

These guys are crazy. I looked over and saw the ice cream truck and I wanted some.

"I'll be back, i'm gonna get some Ice cream, watch the babies." I walked to the truck and asked for a vanilla with Oreo crumbs. Mmmmm

"Jacob???." Someone said I look over and saw another guy smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Um hello." I didn't wanna talk to him. I just wanted Ice cream.

"Omg, is that really you? it's me, Carson."

Carson? he was another bully of mines in high school. He used to bully me with Chres all the time. After school I was glad I wouldn't have to see him again but I guess that ship has sailed.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 1)✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora