My life in the Volturi (Chapter 4)

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     Forks. As beautiful as ever. Right when I stepped outside, the memories flooded my mind. They were blurry, but still  nice. I remember when Emmett would give me piggy-backs when I was little. I sighed, remembering. Cherishing the thoughts. I haven't been here for over a year, and If Edward couldn't read my mind, they might have thought I chose this.  But, I didn't . I had Rosalie's dream. I wanted to settle down, get married, have children. Be able to watch them grow with my husband by my side. But, that's impossible. Highly, impossible. Even if I found a mate I wouldn't be happy. I want kids. And, I don't really have feeling for anyone in the Volturi. So, if I found a mate who didn't want to join the Volturi, I wouldn't be anble to be with him. The Volturi won't ever let me leave.

       When I grabbed hold of reality, once again, we started walking towards where Demetri sensed the Culen's.  I was- I had so many emotions and thoughts spinning around my head right now, I didn't even know what to do. I felt like I was outside of my body. Trying to convince myself not to go, but knowing the consequences, my body kept on going. Once we got to a large forest, The sun almost disapeared behind the clouds. All different sorts of trees surrouned us. It smelled like home to me. Stop. These thoughts aren't good.. Soon, we made it into a  clearing. The sun was bright, but I didn't really mind. I stared across and staring right back were the Cullen's. With a human girl.

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