Undertale Ships

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Onto this now SHIPS BELOW

Undyne x Alphys
Sans x Toriel (imsorrybutitiscute)
Those Knight guys in Hotland forgot their names.
Flowey x Temmie
Asriel x Chara BROTP
Asgore x Toriel meh I will only ship it if the thing is in the past.
Papyrus x Sans........ I won't judge you
Underfell Sans x Underfell Frisk.... :(
Underswap Papyrus x Underswap Sans... WT- *censored because Alice was about to swear about the whole page sorry please wait a minute and think about Undertale please*

I'm sorry if you like the ship

My friend does and I'm okay with it I'm don't judge people.

Ahem I'm back sorry :P

Asriel x Frisk (it's cute all the animations I see that ship them are cute)
Chara x Frisk..... Uhm it's okay but I like them more as sisters/brothers cus they are gender neutral
Monster Kid x Frisk... Meh
Mettaton x Mettaton.... Gotta kiss myself so pretty xD
Napstablook x Frisk It's pretty cute

Uhm I think that all I could think about if you have more just tell me I will look over them...

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