Behind the Wrong Bars Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"I hope that you can handle a day without washing, because it seems like these showers are out of commission for today." Jason said matter-of-factly, his hands on his hips, in a very disinterested manner. As if we had not just walked in on a dead body. "Are you coming now, Hikage?" He asked, as he walked off. I stared at his back, still on my knees. Killian was down on one knee beside me.

"What's with him?" He asked, leaning over to me. I shrugged. He was just as cold as usual, but Killian was right...something seemed almost...wrong. I sighed and stood up, lifting my head last so that my hair flicked over my shoulders. Given the length of my hair - which I still needed to cut - the action seemed very...over dramatic. And it drew Killian's attention.

"Dude." He began as we walked after Jason who had long since disappeared. "Why's your hair so long?"

I glowered at him, silently telling him to 'shut up'.


Jason sat at the table, a patient look on his face. An empty tray sat before him while one with food rested beside him. As I neared the table, he pulled me down into the seat in front of the tray with food.

"Eat." He ordered. I huffed, but say no purpose in arguing. Killian wandered off to scrounge up his own meal, since apparently, Jason's kindness only really stretched to me. I quickly tied my hair up and dug in.

A few minutes passed before Killian came back, trailed by a bored-looking Sebastian. The ebony-haired man sighed and sat down next to the energy ball that was Killian Horrigan. As Sebastian shoved the spoon around on the plate, his looked up at me with his bored, intelligent and dark eyes. "So...I hear that someone has been murdered in the Western Wing?" He asked lightly, as if that was the kind of subject one talked about over breakfast. Although, in here, I suppose it was.

"I don't even know if he was from the West Wing, but sure, someone was killed." I answered in an equally light tone. With just a hint of sarcasm. "But you know...everything was in a controlled area (the entire bathroom) with no signs of any change of location..." I murmured, falling into a mindset I had not been in since I had gotten locked up for the world to forget. "No, no...I remember now...that man, the dead one, I don't think he was from the Western Wing..on our way to the showers, Jason and I pass most of the cells...each of which was occupied by their inhabitants...but then why was their no signs of the body having been moved? Unless the man was lured there...maybe, maybe..."

"HIKAGE!" Someone barked. I blinked and looked up. Sebastian was waving his hand in front of my eyes, concern lightly hinted on his face.

"Yes?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"What happened? You just...stopped talking." Killian asked, accenting his words with gestures. I frowned and shook my head.

"No, I was talking...I was talking about the murder case from the West Wing." I looked at Sebastian and Killian. Both of them looked absolutely horrified.

"No." Sebastian stated firmly. Killian shook his head in agreement. "There is no murder case, no nothing. Just another dead body to be carried out of here. We are all sent here to die, after all. No one expects us to get out - ever. So what is another dead person to us? Just stay out of this, Mishiranu, because it could cause more problems than you would be willing to - or capable of - dealing with." The black haired man warned. I frowned at that.

I knew he was wrong. This was not just willy-nilly killing. The scene had been so terrible, it had reduced me to nearly throwing up. Something was going on, and I was certainly going to find out. Whether my friends were going to help me or not. With that in mind, I crossed my fingers and promised that I would not try to find out anymore about the 'murder'.

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